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Crackling using Focusrite Scarlett Solo

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Topic Crackling using Focusrite Scarlett Solo
I'll try to be succinct! Recently I started hearing crackling through my very old headphones, while playing back recordings through Audacity 2.4.2. My headphones are plugged in to my Focusrite Scarlett Solo interface (itself less than 1 year old). I replaced the headphones with brand new OneOdio Studio Pro10-p phones (upon a recommendation). Better sound, but still occasional crackling. Have previously un/reinstalled Audacity as well as drivers for the Scarlett.

Sometimes it crackles, sometimes it doesn't. Doesn't help to mute my voice or other tracks. When I sent a clip to others to listen to, they could not hear the crackling on their devices.

I've looked up lots of help forums, but can't solve the problem. Any suggestions? many thanks!

Using a Lenovo laptop if that's important :)