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Thread [POLL] Latency Issues

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1 maximum answer(s) Poll end date: 10/14/25
1 Posted on on 10/14/2024 at 08:14
Latency Issues
Poll open from 10/14/2024 until 10/14/2025 - only 1 selection per voter
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Topic [POLL] Latency Issues
New to Audio Interfaces. I have the Focusrite Solo 4th gen. I have the latest driver installed on my fairly new PC, and with any standalone plug in I am experiencing latency issues. I have no idea how to use a DAW, and would rather avoid that. Just want to jam with plug ins.

I tried increasing the buffer rate, no difference. I've tried every control on the unit, no change, except muting with interument button. Totally lost, this is my last resot before returning it. ANY help would be appreciated.