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18i20 problems roblems problems

  • 2 replies
  • 2 participants
Topic 18i20 problems roblems problems
Hi guys
i am new here and have some issues with my new F.R 18i20
pc-- pentium i5
16 g ram , 4x 360 hz
windows 8.1 64 bit
all updates and drivers 100% up to date.
DAW ..cubase 8-
bfd 3 and thats it up untill now ntill i can get this bad boy to work i wont be installing any more vst or plug ins ..
one problem it the F R S keeps kicking itself ot of the system and lses conection ..
i have to turn off an on agan to continue working .
second problem is an issue with sample rate changes ... this is not allwed untill i unplug or turn off or reboot.
thirdly the i/o settup crashes my cubase ...
now ii still dont know what the cause is ..
A FRS is messig with cubase
B cubase is F++ig with the FRS
c windows 8,1 problem --..

why are the drivers 32 bit ? why are there no dedicated 64 bit drivers ?

i have donloaded the FR beta software and the new us drivers ... n0 change --

i am at my whits end i need to get back to writing and recording ...
i am feeling like doing none of the above as all i do days on end is try and get this thing to work --
the support have not realy helped much .. but then again there is not much they can do other than give me standard relys to a standard question
cheers and thanks for reading
any one can help then pls shed some light as to what i can try ..
Hi Tony,

Sorry you're still having some issues.
If you have already been in contact with Focusrite Support, please can you let me know your email case number? This way I can check what troubleshooting you have already undertaken.
Scarlett software and drivers are fully compatible with Windows 8.1 64, however with most PCs having very different setups and hardware configurations, it stands to reason that in some cases there can be small issues crop up.

If you would prefer, you can PM the details here so I can check your email case.

Best regards
Simon // Focusrite Technical Support
And Thanks ;)