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Line 6 POD X3 Live
Line 6 POD X3 Live
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ChTBoner ChTBoner

«  Excellent »

Published on 09/25/10 at 14:44
I'm not going to list all the effects of all the amp models arranged nor any of the connectors is on the Line6 site.

Everything is editable with the GearBox software (PC / Mac) computer with a USB connection. We can also do it directly on the Pod, but it's a bit longer and not as convenient ...
Connected to a PC, it also serves as a sound card reading and writing.

This is obviously pedal format. The number of presets available is mind-blowing.


Usage is fairly simple, everything is very clear. You just spend a lot of time, or really have a clear idea of what we seek. The manual explains everything very well.


I use it with electric guitar and bass.

The effects are really real, not always very suitable for bass, but very satisfying. The amp simulations are sometimes impressive, often very successful! Do not expect to get sound Mesa Boogie or Marshall THE sound, but you'll actually apporcher!


I use it for 4 months and I am very satisfied. He completed the required tasks, I was already well serviced live, and I used mostly in home studio. Very full it still offers a sound solution.
In short, the price of opportunity ', in my opinion an excellent tool!