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Electro-Harmonix Small Clone Mk2
Electro-Harmonix Small Clone Mk2
Jazzstang Jazzstang
Published on 08/24/09 at 05:26
What are the effects or types of effects available? What technology is used? (Analog, numrique, lamp ...) Are they ditables? Via an editor Mac / PC? What is the connection? (Audio / MIDI) Is this a rack or rack MODEL?

It's a chorus pedals EHX is the traditional bin is used when the range. Annalogique effect, a rate of pots, a switch to change the depth of the effect.


Configuration gnrale Is it easy? The edition sounds and effects is it easy? The manual is clear and sufficient? ...

Again, it's EHX, so simple, fast and well together, works!


The effects are they effective, suitable and adequate ralistes? Which instruments do you use? What are those you prfrez, you dtest?

For me it's just the best guitar chorus pedals in the world, and I test the EHX boss digitech (the X-series multi chorus is really cool too, especially on a low, but it is less transparent.)
It is a lightweight effect of breath / when rotation is stopped in a string of jou full of saturations. Gnant is not live, but noticeable at times depending on the strength of the distortion / fuzz, gives a little Sonic Youth and Nirvana ct, me, me not impede, but it is better to scaffold on which he sent to the hum debugger to live this kind of dsagrment.

8 because of the noise but would not that I would put 10


How long you use it and what is the particular feature you like best and least? Have you tried many other models before acqurir? How do you report qualitprix ? With the exprience, you do again this choice? * ...

1 year of use, if it takes me I lche pronto! for me, no other pedals do not sound like it. it's a color particulire, trs trs deep and subtle. I love it!