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Blackstar Amplification HT-DistX
Blackstar Amplification HT-DistX
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Echo tango Echo tango
Published on 12/27/09 at 15:01
DSTO tube (Sovtek 12AX7WA). Gain, Bass, Mid, Treble, ISF, Vol. 1 input 2 outputs (one with HP emulation). Footswitch and LED. PSU 16 V 0.8 Amp. Beautiful execution and assembling apparently made to last. A small reserve on the strength of the lamp holder, set perpendicular to the PCB.


easy to use, adjustments are effective (mean difference quad is turned knobs ...) Not really need manual, except to scare ("do not open the pedal or the warranty will fly smoke, feel your guitar smoked mackerel and your wife go wrong with your drummer ...")


My guitar: Ibanez SZ320MH (fitted with Seymour Duncan SH4/SH2) My amp: Laney GH50L Cabinet: Framus Dragon 412 (rewired, clogged with silicone seals see my tip about it) For the record, it replaces a HT-Dual I have a gun so stupid when changing loupiotte (power PCBs removed from the box, placed on a cover of aluminum flight case ... hello ... short circuits). I went to the nearest store and have tested it side by side with the Dist that seems less accurate. At the outset we are surprised by the amount of gain disponible.A 9 hours is already a great slaughter. The equalization is effective, and the ISF, we expected to walk from one mode to a British fashion U.S. offer sounds more "net" or more "muted" following his position.Laissez your ears guide you, you will propose to the DistX least one sound you boot. On my return I rushed him to stick a JJ ECC83 which "softens a little the response of this brute. In general I think we can declare 12X7WA Sovtek come from" good no more. "A more Long term I will experiment with other loupiottes (Tung Sol, EH ...) history to judge the difference.
Update 18/12/2010: during a cleaning knobs (a common problem in Blackstar and outrageous given the price of these boiboites) I replaced the Sovtek 12AX7WA (yes I finally ECC83 JJ seemed too "soft" saying that the scratch tickets are eternal dissatisfied) by Tung-Sol 12AX7. First impressions: The sound is very clear in all frequencies, the noise level is reduced and gain the Tung Sol has never air "to breathe". Let's be clear: this does not transform the DistX V-Twin. The basic sound of the pedal is retained, with a little extra sharpness. If my HT-Dual resumes crachotter, try a Tung Sol just to see how she reacts.


Purchased a week ago after my blunder described above (I flanked slaps sometimes) I tried Dist May sla draft was too practical for what I like music (power rock / metal). It's expensive but worth its price. I hope I can repair my HT Dual is also a great pedal. Repeat the choice? I would try anyway other models, while leaving with a positive attitude on this pedal.