Electro-Harmonix 44 Magnum - " Like a dream!"
translatedFormat foot ultra light and strong! One input, one output. 44 Watts Volume, a command Bright! 8 / 16 Ohms UTILIZATION Mega Config simple! Manual useless, There's only two buttons! Its…
Soldano SM-100 - rowerfox's review
translated100W power amp full of lights! - For four 6L6 power - Two 12AX7 for prsence 4U rack 1 input, 2 outputs slecteur of impdance for speakers (4, 8 or 16 Ohms) UTILIZATION This amp is the m…
Marshall ValveState Pro 120/120 - zorglub28's review
translatedTransistor amplifier 2x120 watts. Two mono inputs, 4 outputs HP selector of impdance 4,8,16 ohms. A switch to turn it on. 1 volume knobs, knobs rsonance 1, 1 prsence knobs, 1 switch "mode" to switc…
Rocktron Velocity 150 - Mxp_57's review
translated150w mono or stereo 2x75W into 8 or 16 ohm Volume control and dynamic cannal. transistor technology UTILIZATION One branch is chosen stereo or mono config with the switch behind you turn the …
Mango Amplification Pico Amp - "In a small box? Incredible!"
translated18/08/11: * What type of amplification (lamp, transistor ,...)? Transistor, in a format microampli pedal. * What is the power delivered? The site says "It uses a tiny half watt amplifier…
A/DA MicroTube 100 - ustensile's review
translatedAmp puisssance Rack hybrid transistors / lamps: two 12AX7 100 watts 2 inputs / 2 outputs + 1 input and output into 8 ohms Mono 1 presence button, and two volumes A and B channel A button and …
Mesa Boogie Stereo 2:50 - blacksunrise's review
translated- What kind of amplification (lamp, transistor ,...)? All lamps / 4 X 6L6 power (which may be changed by EL34) 3 x 12AX7 - What is the power dlivre? 2 X 50 Watts: attention are 2 X 50 watt h…
Mesa Boogie Stereo Simul-Class 295 - Anonyme's review
translated- What kind of amplification (lamp, transistor ,...)? Stereo amplifier lamps, a power button, two buttons and stand by (1 per channel) - What is the power dlivre? On each channel: 30 W in clas…
ENGL E820/20 Tube Poweramp - zuzu62's review
translatedAll-tube power amp (4 EL84 and 3 12AX7 for me in tesla and EL84 Sovtek 12AX7 LPS) stereo 20/20 2 input (left / right) .2 send (left / right) into 8 or 16 ohms which is 4 eh eh! adjustable volum…
ENGL E820/35 Tube Poweramp - Hyde's review
translatedIt is a Poweramp any lamp, the same as the 820/20 (configuration, height, weight), except that it is 2 x 35 watt lamps and has 8 (not 4) EL84 power and 3 12AX7 in pramp. The connection is ultra com…
Marshall 9100 - beraubag's review
translatedIt is a two-channel fully indpendants (Stereo). Per channel: 2x6L6 + 1x12AT7 (ECC81) and 1x12AX7 (ECC83). The tranfos are oversize and it thee best! (This is not the case on the Toujouse Rack EL3…
Marshall 8008 - Sortsol's review
translatedTransistor amplifiers 2 x 80w (but then the small wqtts .....) linear mode and Valvestate 2 volume pots facade Mine is black, is the first version I believe UTILIZATION Was no manual, bou…
Mesa Boogie Simul 395 Stereo - edou68's review
translatedSo there is a power amp lamp 95W max it can be clamped in w 30 year class A, class AB and 65 w 95 w class AB It possde two mono block amplifier with both channels each Each channel has an input…
Mesa Boogie Fifty/Fifty - Jgw's review
translatedTube guitar amplifier. Power 2x50W Volume and presence for each channel (AB) UTILIZATION Configuration is very simple, not worth a lot of settings on a power amp anyway ... Volume, presence .…