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Beyerdynamic DT-880 Pro Mini-Review - 770 + 110 = 880

Our Headphones Week continues with the Beyerdynamic DT-880 Pro, the big brother of the DT-770. Having the DT-770 as a reference, we had high expectations for the DT-880... Verdict!

Red Led's Conclusion

Beyerdynamic DT-880 ProThe first advantage of the DT-880 Pro is their price: these headphones are the cheapest in our test. They inherit all the features of the DT-770 Pro, which we really liked last year, and they even fix some disadvantages we noticed then. In fact, the low-frequency response is much smoother than with the DT-770 (no troublesome dip @ 80Hz anymore). The high-frequencies are still very detailed, sometimes almost tiring. The headphones offer perfect comfort but they are not foldable and they are rather bulky. The DT-880 Pro take after the DT-770 Pro and straighten their main defect. Very good value for money.

  • Price
  • Comfortable
  • Wide frequency range
  • Ear cup cushions available as spare parts
  • Smooth low-frequency response
  • Tiring in certain situations
  • Cable not replaceable

Will Zégal’s Conclusion

Beyerdynamic DT-880 ProWith these headphones I had the same feeling as with the DT-770: they are at the top of their category but, not taking into consideration their price, I wouldn’t make them my personal favorites due to some drawbacks. With their numerous advantages and aggressive price, these headphones are highly recommended for almost any user, especially for those with a limited budget.

  • Quite comfortable
  • Wide frequency range
  • Amazing price
  • High-frequencies are a bit tiring
  • Some sounds seem to be veiled
  • Pressure point of the headband

Los Teignos’ Conclusion

IBeyerdynamic DT-880 Pro loved the DT-770 because they offer a great high-frequency response and a very detailed reproduction of every instrument in a mix — and now the 880 give me all of this and even a bit more. While the DT-770 exhibit a small dip in the low-end, the 880 give better results thanks to a smoother overall sound. It’s obvious on vocals: they always sound natural and well balanced while the spectral signature of other headphones produces nasal or muffled vocals. Although too warm and heavy, the DT-880 are comfortable and they are the most affordable headphones in our test. They certainly don’t have the low-end of the Ultrasone nor the highs of the AKG. Still, if I had to keep only one pair of headphones from this review, I would choose this one.

  • Comfortable
  • Smooth sound reproduction without obvious weaknesses
  • Excellent value for money
  • They get too hot after long sessions
  • ebrjvd 1 post
    New AFfiliate
    Posted on 07/21/2012 at 06:34:06
    Well, both are rather different headphones:
    - the DT770 is closed with good isolation,
    - the DT880 is semi-open with bleed
    Since the DT880 was introduced in 1980, you could better call the DT770 (1985) the "closed version" of its predecessor DT880. The DT990 is the diffuse field equalized version.
  • TeleFunk 25 posts
    New AFfiliate
    Posted on 04/28/2014 at 02:30:45

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