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Duesenberg Starplayer TV
Duesenberg Starplayer TV
Link_69 Link_69
Published on 10/27/04 at 06:39
So that's my opinion on the last Duesenberg Starplayer Tv .. Premire my 'real' guitar. (H so I started with a Yamaha Pacifica 112mx so I'm still happy trs but now we must know that playing in the big leagues ...)
The Starplayer TV is made of a table and a pica back Saddle Flamm beautiful. (See photos on my profile)
The neck 22 frets and is possde agrment a binding (a net ch'tit what) White tan (and the entiret the guitar). There are two different pickups: a humbucker vintage humbucker 'in the bridge position and a type P90 in the neck position, while two homemade. Great art micro level, for me is the P90 and the PAF. (Ae was going to hurt a. .. mouhaha) Srieusement the microphones are of high quality microphones and original manufactured s are by Duesenberg qu'tonnants of expressiveness.
A tone one volume, 3 positions ... The vibrato brings a touch of class yet all dj classy. This is a vibrato type Bigsby. (As reliable if not more ...)

9 / 10 because nothing is perfect but the finish is REALLY irrprochable and appearance is trs class, personal love.


The handle: I did not know enough to handle a ton to talk about ... I'm not an old fighter who tried hundreds of Gibson, Fender and other joyeuseries but I can tell you that the handle is in all enjoyable ... it is obviously not trs end, is close to a Gibson, but when TRRS diffrent same. CHAC to treble is good but not great, this guitar is not made to make Petrucci but it will come out to some prs what you want. It is quite lgre compared to other guitars because of its hollow body.
The shape is perfect for me and the bomb back ESG does not at all.

9 / 10 but I think that in his sincrement crneau guitar goes everywhere east rock / blues is very easy to use and a MRIT 10/10. It possde the benefits of a jazz guitar (smooth sound in the neck position) but not inconvnients the usual semi-hollow jazz. (Difficulty standing and moving on to play scne etc ...)


So good, here we go to things srieuses.
So frankly the adpote, adwanne Lulu's ass, I would say even: chantal hair!
H carrment yes ... then first bridge pickup: it is perfect to play rock in all its variants, even if the handle does not make Malmsteen, Petrucci, Vai and other gays fellows.
I have no problem to play in my group even in the passages 'trash' asking a fairly runny and here must distortion. (I know has not said but was talking jtrtouve: op) position intermdiaire has a certain charm to funk, with cot 'twang' to paraphrase another. As for the neck position so it's the jazz ... rgal velvet, class, gentle, warm wishes! The blues goes on all the positions but it is always rgal p90.
Good Proco Rat and a AC30? -> You think you're Johnny Greenwood
Marshall pushed a fat bottom? -> Bah ha long hair and big hat now ... (no no it's not slash tatayoyo see it!)
and so on through blues, jazz, funk (a little but not too), rock, hard rock.
Ms. on my Berhinger a given, but trust me, I often play on a Roland Blues Cube (yes am the real thing not rdition two balls) and quite frankly, every time I reach the nirvana.
A sort of compromise Gretsch / Gibson? Yes and no. The Duesenberg is not comparable to other guitars, like Gibson, Fender and Gretsch same: the exceptional guitar does not compare, they play, we admire them but we do not compare.
9 / 10 because nothing is perfect but for me it is a very versatile guitar style keeping it well.


I use it for almost a year due to only 5 or 6 hours a week but I have yet to get an ide relatively prcise of this guitar and I am more than satisfied. At this qualitprix irprochable especially since I benefitted a great opportunity in state
(1100euros) ... Prices are new around 1300 euros. If I had the choice I would resume this guitar without hsiter, the price is justified and you do not pay the legends of style fender and gibson. (And even other bcp)
Beautiful guitar with a lot of characters but nanmoins versatile. Duesenberg thank you and long live the brand still too little known!