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Scarlett 2i2 not working on PC

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Topic Scarlett 2i2 not working on PC
I recently bought the Scarlett 2i2. I'm using it to connect my electric guitar to my pc.
The problem is, it's not working on my pc. It's working fine on my laptop though.

I'm running windows 10 on my laptop, and windows 10 N pro on my pc.
I've tried both USB 2.0 and 3.0 ports but that didn't make a difference.

When I plug it in my pc, it doesn't get recognized, and it also doesn't get power.
It does show up at my Devices and printers however.

In device manager it shows up with an orange "!", and if I check the properties it says that there is no correct driver found.

I really don't know what I'm doing wrong since I use the exact same drivers on my pc and laptop.

Does anyone how to fix this? Please let me know if there are enough details provided.