This is the first speaker system I will have. My budget right now is about 600$ for speakers, and 400$ for the sub woofer.
Also, let me get this out there, I will NOT be needing a stereo. I am just going to have these hooked up to my computer because that is what I run all my music off of. Let me know what you think, please.
I am looking to getting these parts as soon as 2 weeks, depending on the response time of these forums :P
%1$s a écrit [quote=BrendanF090]Hmm, that YAMAHA pack looks nice, Id like to see the specs and frequency range on it, and 120 watts is good.
Specs and frequency curves can tell a lot about the monitor, but the real test is in listening to it. Most stores will have working setups and listening rooms where you can audition monitors. I suggest bringing along cds of songs in the genre you will be listening to plus a few others that have a wide dynamic range, going from soft to loud. Often, these listening test will reveal qualities you like (or don't like) about a particular monitor. Don't rely on the store's in-house music selections; it will ALWAYS make the monitor sound good. What you want to hear are a monitor's flaws, if it has any, as well as design quirks such inaccesible power switches and trim settings, and that kinda stuff.[/quote]
Thanks alot, man.
Ill call up all the local music stores and ask if they have a setup like that. Thanks again!