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Thread EDIROL UR-80 & LOGIC EXPRESS 8 on an iMac

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Topic EDIROL UR-80 & LOGIC EXPRESS 8 on an iMac
Hi Reader

I have this week purchased a 24" iMac (mmmm..nice, having dreamt of Mac recording for years) I am currently desperately trying to set up my home studio with some bits n bobs I have had lying around for some time.

One of them is an Edirol UR-80 which I would like to use to record audio and also controller mixes etc I am trying to get it to work with Logic Express 8 also brand new to me this week..stress levels pretty high...good job I dont have any hair to pull out

Now I'm not a 'big ticko' around PC's but I could do with some expert step by step help on how I can get this to work

Any help would be much appreciated even if you tell me to ditch the UR-80 in favour of something a little more plug n play - budget allowing (£300)

Thanks Guys
