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DiMarzio DP207 DropSonic
DiMarzio DP207 DropSonic
kinder_guano kinder_guano
Published on 11/03/06 at 12:22
Rcupration my opinion of 23/05/2004

B'en wala ... what about ...
Go ... micro cramique bridge, passive, a range of pads adjustable by allen cl, and a bar. 4 son. Supposed to send the big tune in low position in the strip nearest the bridge, and be more east shredder with the pads near the bridge ... mouaif. Does not exist in F-Spaced.

Well, I tried it only set to "rhythmic", as it is on a baritone guitar Schecter, replacing Duncan Designed not transcendent.

B'en yeah, it's ... well. I do not know how dcrire sound. Yes, it restores the low tune well, still a pretty good Dfine, yes it is distortion in prcis enough, yes it has a lot of gain, so it is not in dgueu clean, so clean in Splitt he spends quite a bit even. As usual with high output pickups, do not bother to push the gain of the amplifier 10, if the sound turns to mush.

But ... It is smooth, no real flavor. I still do not know what to think. It is like the son IDAL, the son of good family ... smooth, police not a word above the other ... bland. Hifi.
Nothing to rveiller night.

Ha, last dtail for the end: it is the microphone used by the scratch of Linkin Park