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Korg Triton Le 61

All user reviews for the Korg Triton Le 61

Workstation from Korg belonging to the Triton series

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Value For Money : Excellent
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  • zicopilotezicopilote

    Dancing Plastic ...

    Korg Triton Le 61Published on 05/22/11 at 09:19
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Everything has been said I think ...


    Post-M1 for 20 years, here the worst ctoie the best:

    The worst:

    - Complex Ergonomics (away from the purity aspect of M1 and its simplicity of use).
    - Presentation (l o precisely the M1 was a superb finish and a very clean look), here everything plastoc 'low end.
    - The touch keyboard is also down compared Monsignor M1 twenty years old (!!!!!).
    - As for squenceur, it keeps no pattern or song in memory !!!!!!!! (Again the old M1 did !!).

    The best: See below ...


    ... Is to say here:

    - As mentioned above, post-M1 and practitioner Mtal (Mtal-indus and Mtal-Symphony), the M1 was somewhat limited in sound creation ...
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    Everything has been said I think ...


    Post-M1 for 20 years, here the worst ctoie the best:

    The worst:

    - Complex Ergonomics (away from the purity aspect of M1 and its simplicity of use).
    - Presentation (l o precisely the M1 was a superb finish and a very clean look), here everything plastoc 'low end.
    - The touch keyboard is also down compared Monsignor M1 twenty years old (!!!!!).
    - As for squenceur, it keeps no pattern or song in memory !!!!!!!! (Again the old M1 did !!).

    The best: See below ...


    ... Is to say here:

    - As mentioned above, post-M1 and practitioner Mtal (Mtal-indus and Mtal-Symphony), the M1 was somewhat limited in sound creation ...
    - Here the sounds are powerful, thick and of uncommon quality in relation tablecloths (having a possd JX8-P, I was looking for its equivalent ...), tablecloths warm her following the rglages assigned to them (yes, those who criticize the Triton sounds should "put your hands in it" !!).
    - Acoustic sounds them ... well we do it with acoustic instruments !!

    The good slap and the surprise is this lack of coolness recognized M1 o analog tablecloths Arian and choirs were icy and become unbearable dsormais.

    Interim progress on a large twenty years (he had a !!).

    A little too typ electro or "techno" I got presets in its "boom-boom", but WYD sounds are very easy to reproduce (the original was also also the tablecloth which serves as Rammstein intro on "Ohne dich" ...) and other more beautiful than each other !!).

    Short for my use on melodic intros and it is perfect, at least level sonorits ...


    ... Because apart from its sound, as evoked in chapter use is VERY dcevant!

    Bought it a week ago for 350 euros unhappy, I keep it. But having put on sale for half my M1 I'll change my shoulder gun:
    - Keep this Triton for its sound, and finally serve me via MIDI squenceur (even if it is mini-mini-level memory) and keyboard M1. For dimensions forcment you lose it!

    Unless the SmartMedia rgle this problem of memory squenceur ...
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  • meganarmameganarma

    A great value

    Korg Triton Le 61Published on 01/12/13 at 07:43
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Keyboard type:
    Mine was a 61-key, but there are bigger, and also 1U rack (no keyboard so)

    There are many sounds, all editable editing tool is very powerful. I would say that sounds though potentially very different register is in rather "clean", I mean, it's pretty hard to sound a bit Crados it leads dripping acid well in this area, although we can do it, I found it a bit limited. Also can be grafted an option sampler, sampler synth that makes it possible to come home with all kinds of high precision waveforms, samples of all kinds etc ... So from there the sounds are endless. It is rather in the synthesis which is not found really feel that can give a synth or analog modeling. It …
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    Keyboard type:
    Mine was a 61-key, but there are bigger, and also 1U rack (no keyboard so)

    There are many sounds, all editable editing tool is very powerful. I would say that sounds though potentially very different register is in rather "clean", I mean, it's pretty hard to sound a bit Crados it leads dripping acid well in this area, although we can do it, I found it a bit limited. Also can be grafted an option sampler, sampler synth that makes it possible to come home with all kinds of high precision waveforms, samples of all kinds etc ... So from there the sounds are endless. It is rather in the synthesis which is not found really feel that can give a synth or analog modeling. It is a world quite different.

    For controllers if I remember correctly, there are 4 knobs each with four assignable parameters including a. To play live and have maximum control over the sounds, plus a midi controller could be useful. That said, I live kind of talking "techno", I've never used triton keyboard for actually playing live, and in this regard I think it is also very powerful. There is also an assignable joystick X and Y which is nice.

    Its sequencer is very powerful and accurate it's a real pleasure for the compo. A sequence can be assigned an effect and two master insert effect, the effect is of excellent quality.

    There is also a mode "combi", in this mode you program a combination of sounds on the same keyboard by process areas can be programmed decay slopes for the mixture is soft and assign arpeggiator, c ' is a very powerful tool.

    The arpeggiator, which can be used in all modes, including mode sequencer is also very comprehensive, it is almost a sequencer on its own, it has an interface for creating arpeggios even be no limit complexity, etc. polyphonic arpeggio.

    In Sequencer mode, there are several ways to proceed. The traditional way of components or recorded tracks in the sequencer and replays its components just by pressing play. Or you can program "RPPR" (realtime pattern etc. I know too), ie we write patterns relatively short (usually because I believe that there is really no limit Anyway, then assigns these patterns with keyboard keys which will have the effect of triggering the pattern when desired, all synchronized to the clock twelve o'clock obviously.

    Connectivity: Midi in out thru classic audio there is an exit right global left I think, and a headphone output, no separate outputs. You can connect a pedal, ribbon or other controllers

    The new version (Triton TR) has a usb port I think, but on mine (triton LE) there was none.

    Polyphony great, I do not even remember the limit, I never went that far, yet I love it :) polyphony!


    The configuration is very well done, the screen is large enough and editing sounds is very full.
    The manual is also very complete, there are two volumes: the basic guide, rather basic and quick as its name indicates, and the parameter guide, a manual fully detailed all parameters, all menus, etc. all the possibilities. It is absolutely essential to have good read I think, if you do not want to miss out on the machine.

    The sound editing is done very well after a period of grip, like any other machine I think ... It was a bit long for me because it was my first synth, but with hindsight I think it is rather intuitive and very user friendly.


    The quality of the sound that comes out of this machine is exceptional. Can produce very realistic instruments, and explore a wide variety of electronic sounds, and even infinite if you use the option sampler.

    The expression on the keyboard is very accurate. On 61 key keyboard was rather light but still I found it very accurate (but I'm not a pianist), if you want a feel closer to a real piano keyboard, probably better to turn to models more like 88 keys ...
    But even on the 61, everything works perfectly, velocity aftertouch, the joystick also very playful expression, etc ...

    Sounds can be realistic if you want, or not, depending on the field that seeks to explore. But Newt is very good at making realistic instruments, sampler determines envelope values ​​very accurate and give a very good record.

    The effects are really excellent, there are effects of all types, all very effective.

    SCSI connection sampler allows for waveforms of exceptional quality, the drumkits are very good also.

    I only regretted not being able to work the sounds in fat and acidity, as can be done with the genre Virus synth, or synth analog synth is generally quite clean and not at all is sufficiently "outrageous" for my taste, but that may be a deficiency for some can be an advantage for the other, so I still say that this synth can really get great sounds.


    I used it for about 3 years I think I sold it to explore different sounds, I was looking more aggressive etc ... It happens to me now regret having sold, I have tried many other machines since he and I recognize some special interest. Especially in this clean sound that annoyed me at the time and I wish I could find the time today.

    The value for money is very good, not to mention that it is currently much cheaper than what I paid at the time.

    Maybe one day I repeat one, but if it happens I will opt instead for rack model, the keyboard is a little bulky for my taste. However I will not use that to supplement other machines. I prefer to use other types of sequencer most suited to live. The Triton does not permettai move from one sequence to another without stopping, it was a rather annoying anyway ...
    But it's still a very good machine. A great value in its field. It has been proven.
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  • cpv44maisdoncpv44maisdon

    Korg Triton Le 61Published on 11/16/12 at 01:43
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    6 octaves


    korg when you know it is not lost


    The sounds are quite what I expected compared to my style of play


    Triton Le 61 has the flat sounds good is the screen size compared to 2 lines Triton Extreme 61 and touch screen
  • stompboxjonstompboxjon

    got old quick

    Korg Triton Le 61Published on 06/12/12 at 23:16
    I have used the Triton LE 61 a few times in a couple different studios. It seemed like a keyboard that was pretty popular years ago, but I think it’s a decent keyboard at best. There are a lot of other boards that are out that can give you way better quality sounds than the Triton LE. The LE just seems to be like a cheap version of some of the Triton sounds and everything seems to be watered down. The sequencer is ok and the on board effects are ok. Not really anything bad to say about them but when it comes to the sounds I have major complaints.


    Gettins started is simple and takes not time to understand the basic functions of the board, the manual wasn’t needed and …
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    I have used the Triton LE 61 a few times in a couple different studios. It seemed like a keyboard that was pretty popular years ago, but I think it’s a decent keyboard at best. There are a lot of other boards that are out that can give you way better quality sounds than the Triton LE. The LE just seems to be like a cheap version of some of the Triton sounds and everything seems to be watered down. The sequencer is ok and the on board effects are ok. Not really anything bad to say about them but when it comes to the sounds I have major complaints.


    Gettins started is simple and takes not time to understand the basic functions of the board, the manual wasn’t needed and I havent ever seen one.


    The keys are good, nice semi weighted and they seem to work well even when playing melodies because they arent too heavy. But they still have enough weight to them that you wont feel like your playing with a cheap midi controller (because most midi controllers just have plastic keys). But the sounds just fell short to me because I own a triton board so I know what the Triton is capable of and I know what sounds they really have in them. I guess that’s why the LE is more affordable than the regular triton and the triton rack is because its missing the most important factor to me, the sounds. Most of us don’t purchase a keyboard just for the workstation. We can use our computers as a workstation if needed or if we want. We go out and spend money on these keyboards for the sounds and the ability to edit those sounds and make our own. You can easily change how the sounds will sound and make them your own but the quality of them over all as far as depth and warm just is a miss to me.


    You can get this if you don’t have enough money to get the “real” triton boards. But you will get bored with this pretty quick.
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  • MGR/Art WatkinsMGR/Art Watkins

    Korg Triton

    Korg Triton Le 61Published on 10/27/05 at 15:00
    I play a 76 key Korg Tirton, I have been playing keyboard for 12 years, 6 years for my church. I like Gospel music with a R&B/Hip Hop twist.

    I bought my keyboard from Guitar center in Sacramento Ca, I realy like the feel of the board and the sounds are thick. I paid about $2,500 about 4 years ago.

    The Korg sound is unique and very strong.
    The touch screen was the newest thing out and Korg was the fist. Keyboards are made with lots of small plastic peaces under the hood. The touch screen saves the buttons from being pushed 10,000 times.

    I don't like how you have to purchase other upgrade cards, they should come jam packed for $2,500. I don't like pre-recorded drum grooves they cou…
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    I play a 76 key Korg Tirton, I have been playing keyboard for 12 years, 6 years for my church. I like Gospel music with a R&B/Hip Hop twist.

    I bought my keyboard from Guitar center in Sacramento Ca, I realy like the feel of the board and the sounds are thick. I paid about $2,500 about 4 years ago.

    The Korg sound is unique and very strong.
    The touch screen was the newest thing out and Korg was the fist. Keyboards are made with lots of small plastic peaces under the hood. The touch screen saves the buttons from being pushed 10,000 times.

    I don't like how you have to purchase other upgrade cards, they should come jam packed for $2,500. I don't like pre-recorded drum grooves they could be better

    The quality is top of the line, the construction is good.

    The new Korgs are awesome but a little high in price... Most gear is exspensive
    the every day musician can barely afford new gear...

    Help a brotha out!
    I'm out

    This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com
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    Korg Triton

    Korg Triton Le 61Published on 05/27/02 at 15:00
    I bought it in BNG Jakarta because TRITON used with lots of musician and i will use it for my music composing. I bought it with 18 million rupiahs or around $ 1,800.

    I like Triton is because it is really neat to look. It’s so beautiful. The color, the shape, and the Touch screen. And also it is very futuristic. I have never seen futuristic keyboard like TRITON.
    I like the effects that gives many inspiration and the sampler that makes DJ-ing more possible.
    I think TRITON has a exclusive community, because there a lot of websites that give patches also you can exchange or share it.

    It's so heavy and the touchscreen it's so sensitive. and the last one TRITON isn't user friendly. you mus…
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    I bought it in BNG Jakarta because TRITON used with lots of musician and i will use it for my music composing. I bought it with 18 million rupiahs or around $ 1,800.

    I like Triton is because it is really neat to look. It’s so beautiful. The color, the shape, and the Touch screen. And also it is very futuristic. I have never seen futuristic keyboard like TRITON.
    I like the effects that gives many inspiration and the sampler that makes DJ-ing more possible.
    I think TRITON has a exclusive community, because there a lot of websites that give patches also you can exchange or share it.

    It's so heavy and the touchscreen it's so sensitive. and the last one TRITON isn't user friendly. you must learn the system or read the manual first.


    TRITON is very recommended to all musician. because it has all the musician needs.

    I hope KORG release TRITON with Color Touchscreen LCD and many kinds of color like blue metallic or something funky.

    This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com
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  • ericthegreatericthegreat

    good for beginners

    Korg Triton Le 61Published on 11/27/11 at 22:31
    The Triton LE 61 is made by korg and it’s a pretty good synth board. If has a nice feel to it when playing, and its semi weighted so you don’t have those heavy keys when trying to play melody lines.


    Not easy to address as many parameters, but there are shortcuts to use such copy a Combi Max of 8 tones with their belongings the sequencer. We play in Multi REC and inspiration of the moment is your memory with drum, bass, solo and accompaniment.
    A big advantage of the Model LE is that it is lightweight 7.3 kg and easy to carry, an additional asset for me playing solo but also in groups.


    Yes, good expressive sounds at the touch. Just tone down the sound…
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    The Triton LE 61 is made by korg and it’s a pretty good synth board. If has a nice feel to it when playing, and its semi weighted so you don’t have those heavy keys when trying to play melody lines.


    Not easy to address as many parameters, but there are shortcuts to use such copy a Combi Max of 8 tones with their belongings the sequencer. We play in Multi REC and inspiration of the moment is your memory with drum, bass, solo and accompaniment.
    A big advantage of the Model LE is that it is lightweight 7.3 kg and easy to carry, an additional asset for me playing solo but also in groups.


    Yes, good expressive sounds at the touch. Just tone down the sounds of piano ties that are not realistic and sound Korg M1. Fortunately with the extension Sampling Can I load sounds Pianos sounds sampled from a Steinway, but it's time to load ...
    I like the sounds of Copper Plates, Strings, Synth Lead and rhythmic Combi (Fantasmagoria, Phases of Angels Talk of Galileo, Hidden Rhythm, Walk Street and many others)


    I used this for a month, but had already tasted the triton using the micro x. I wanted a synthetic 61-toting a microphone and associated with X (which I did for 2 years) it makes me combi’s huge, connected to midi, synchronized with the tempo and the s2000 for piano sounds c ' is an excellent investment: the microphone is located at 250 x € hand, I've had my triton as new 250 and a second for akai s2000 for 50 dollars, well I have a large collection of CD Rom and have akai recovered full drives scsi cd rom and zip to anything ... but this little wonder has meant the world s for the price of a TR model.
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  • PatrickwilkinPatrickwilkin

    Korg Triton Le 61Published on 10/20/03 at 00:37
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    The Triton is a good machine great.
    I always buy non-standard synthesizers (eg the Wavestation in 1991)
    I like things original, complex and original sounds.
    It is not obvious to program, for me at least, but it's a beautiful machine.

    The only major flaw is the sound of piano that sounds not great. But hey it does the seeker has to buy a piano.

    Beware the day when thou shalt update of the bone, take only Smart media ....
    Go to my website get information.




    Publisher sounds very pleasant.
    The effects are not bad at all. The only thing I pedal or in programming is the RPPR. Arpeggiator fun and interesting. The manual, or rathe…
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    The Triton is a good machine great.
    I always buy non-standard synthesizers (eg the Wavestation in 1991)
    I like things original, complex and original sounds.
    It is not obvious to program, for me at least, but it's a beautiful machine.

    The only major flaw is the sound of piano that sounds not great. But hey it does the seeker has to buy a piano.

    Beware the day when thou shalt update of the bone, take only Smart media ....
    Go to my website get information.




    Publisher sounds very pleasant.
    The effects are not bad at all. The only thing I pedal or in programming is the RPPR. Arpeggiator fun and interesting. The manual, or rather the three fasicules are very useful, but very thick and navigate you really take the time. Finally this is only for me.


    Piano not great, except ..... vintage electronic pianos are great
    Against by the sounds and combis, super foot.


    I for 1 year, and combis are superb. Since I paid 1000 euros occasions, the price is TOP.
    I regret not having the same sub and more because I pay office in addition to the PRO LE
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  • davextremdavextrem

    Korg Triton Le 61Published on 01/24/04 at 14:58
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    See below, I trs complete the map sampling


    Ok ease general; small problem of ergonomics consquence.


    Dception general; not be used in professional recording of APRS me its too small! Prfre I work with my old synths and my raven (for techno sounds)


    18 months, again I n'achte more!
  • roots37roots37

    Korg Triton Le 61Published on 03/04/04 at 03:05
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    CHARACTERISTICS Good gnrale this prix.Manque 1 or2 IFX for my taste.


    Ncessite least srieux (it's a workstation). We train if you are beginners (like me), but once you understood the trick and we know the diffrent pages, a work use.The manual seemed clear complet.La Fast Fashion rhythms is binding -> use of a software recommends squenceur

    Page management is sometimes slow, the lack of any clear flexibilitc'est a grate in MIDI studio machine.


    Trs property: guitars, tablecloths, some strings, organs, drumkits, sounds "electro"

    A review and middle: The winds, choirs, pianos classic

    The effects are of good quality but everything is relative ... (…
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    CHARACTERISTICS Good gnrale this prix.Manque 1 or2 IFX for my taste.


    Ncessite least srieux (it's a workstation). We train if you are beginners (like me), but once you understood the trick and we know the diffrent pages, a work use.The manual seemed clear complet.La Fast Fashion rhythms is binding -> use of a software recommends squenceur

    Page management is sometimes slow, the lack of any clear flexibilitc'est a grate in MIDI studio machine.


    Trs property: guitars, tablecloths, some strings, organs, drumkits, sounds "electro"

    A review and middle: The winds, choirs, pianos classic

    The effects are of good quality but everything is relative ... (1 IFX, 2 MFX)

    Rather for electro (dance, techno, and other most distinguished)


    -Usage: 2 years
    -Good QualitPrix ...
    Good -... but a Triton keyboard (or other) vs prfrable if you can afford it.
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  • graviligravili

    Korg Triton Le 61Published on 03/29/04 at 14:48
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    General features interesting.

    My 61-key keyboard and keyboard sucks! the keys are smaller than normal, so if I swear to you, take a ruler, measure the keys you will see that they are smaller! So how do you play correctly? I have large hands and I'm embarrassed!

    The controllers are the pitch bend of korg is excellent.

    The screen is adequate and not too complicated editing but sometimes to get excited before finding the right page (this comes with time).

    For it is against light is very transportable.


    The general configuration is generous and you can do anything with. Sequencer, sampler, arpeggiator rhythm etc. .. The configuration can really do everything.
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    General features interesting.

    My 61-key keyboard and keyboard sucks! the keys are smaller than normal, so if I swear to you, take a ruler, measure the keys you will see that they are smaller! So how do you play correctly? I have large hands and I'm embarrassed!

    The controllers are the pitch bend of korg is excellent.

    The screen is adequate and not too complicated editing but sometimes to get excited before finding the right page (this comes with time).

    For it is against light is very transportable.


    The general configuration is generous and you can do anything with. Sequencer, sampler, arpeggiator rhythm etc. .. The configuration can really do everything.

    Editing sounds is easy, but sometimes you look before you get where you want.

    For I repeat against the keyboard is too small and no one feels cramped, the keys are too small. Personally I put him in because of this expander.


    The sounds are great, although I prefer some of my Trinity V3. I find it too serious, and sometimes I find that the sounds are quite varied, they are many but they are similar.

    There are many different style groove and techno and I'm starting to be bored! It could be something else.


    Good machine in general, it lacks a real drive, a good keyboard. The sounds are good and the machine makes you want to play with.
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  • Anonymous

    Korg Triton Le 61Published on 05/29/04 at 08:08
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Bte This is monstrous!
    Gniaux sounds, the quality of the effects was breathtaking! Perfect for making electronic components. But ...
    The problem that is the key few and small ...
    Anyway, what the price you can not ask for more.


    Trs trs simple to use and well done.


    The are are numerous and well made. Especially the appliances.
    The arpeggiator is better than I sprait.


    The report qualitprix is ​​the best I know.
    was going to do six months I use it and it surprises me more ...
    The problem that is the key ...

    DO NOT MISS IT, it is worth seeing!
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    Bte This is monstrous!
    Gniaux sounds, the quality of the effects was breathtaking! Perfect for making electronic components. But ...
    The problem that is the key few and small ...
    Anyway, what the price you can not ask for more.


    Trs trs simple to use and well done.


    The are are numerous and well made. Especially the appliances.
    The arpeggiator is better than I sprait.


    The report qualitprix is ​​the best I know.
    was going to do six months I use it and it surprises me more ...
    The problem that is the key ...

    DO NOT MISS IT, it is worth seeing!
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  • Chris.angelChris.angel

    Korg Triton Le 61Published on 06/10/04 at 05:15
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    The Triton is a version of the famous Allgemeine Korg Triton workstation.

    Thus, the heart of the Triton, namely the bank of 32 MB of basic sounds (over 800 samples) and the system of synthse HI (Hyper Integrated) is identical in all respects the original (as Karma parailleurs). This ensures, in particular, a compatibility patch (also some effects - see later) between the big Triton and the MODEL and, more importantly, the same sound quality!

    on the other hand, there is an insert effect instead of 5, 2 gnraux effects and EQ on them are tjs Submitted. The sampler is not native, but is available as an expansion card - it's the only option. The Ribbon Controller is also t cut.

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    The Triton is a version of the famous Allgemeine Korg Triton workstation.

    Thus, the heart of the Triton, namely the bank of 32 MB of basic sounds (over 800 samples) and the system of synthse HI (Hyper Integrated) is identical in all respects the original (as Karma parailleurs). This ensures, in particular, a compatibility patch (also some effects - see later) between the big Triton and the MODEL and, more importantly, the same sound quality!

    on the other hand, there is an insert effect instead of 5, 2 gnraux effects and EQ on them are tjs Submitted. The sampler is not native, but is available as an expansion card - it's the only option. The Ribbon Controller is also t cut.

    Difference found some other, less room for such patches, the quality of the touch keyboard, no touch screen (but is it a - ???), etc..

    The brushed aluminum front team a notch graphics, lots of buttons and just 4 potentiomtres is trs 'clse'. It seems to be moving against the tide, surrounded by new keyboard more like the face of young teens that machines make music.

    At the rear, there are 4 audio outputs (2 x Stereo), the traditional three MIDI connectors, jacks for pedals and sustain and expression. The power supply is ensured by an external tranfo.


    Although one may think, these days, full of knobs that it is necessary to edit the sounds, the Triton Le is doing effectively. The notch graphics and software interface are property trs conus and relatively intuitive To create or modify its utmost desire.

    For live, the fair prsence potentiomtres 4 (3 functions per button) and the absence of the Ribbon Controller does not make for powerful particulirement CONTRL sounds in real time. Fortunately it is possible to assign many features these four knobs.

    I can not judge the Operating Your Sequencer functions, having never used.


    L o bt hurts, it's at the sound!

    The sounds are, so to speak, gloves, grandiose. They push the crativit they dveloppent a feeling of well-being, power against the Machine. Although sr, all is not perfect and there for every taste. But probably everyone will find happiness.

    Mode 'combination', which combines up to eight programs Layer or Split, and the double arpgiatteur adds to the pleasure of playing, 'patch' (read by the CRER sounds' and not play with jacks in modular).

    Although the Triton The possde the same wave as his dad, it seems that the Sound Designer Korg sounds guided factory to a more 'Dance', while the rpondant other audiences. For fans of more traditional styles, it will then dive into the machine and edit new patches or simply Tlcharger the Internet.


    The interface of dpouille potentiomtres, there is no possibility of expansion (except the sampler) and Ribbon Controller (DSOL more) ... are only dtails face the quality of its sounds, its effects, its arpgiatteur ... This machine dveloppe crativit and inspires the respect of its kind.

    Some criticize the keyboard. Yes, it's lightweight and a keyboard seemed a bit 'cheap' - the same as the pitch wheel. But then there is the version 88 keys with touch heavy for the most demanding (and least flexible ... everything is matter of habit).

    Let us not forget also that the Triton is the class of Workstations in the CATEGORY! So do not be confused with a true and synthtiseur esprer a same approach to bte!

    In the Triton The résumé is to find the sound quality and possibility of edition of the Triton for a price much more affordable ... No more! But so is dj ...

    Ainis, I suggre those looking for a versatile machine and user-friendly, powerful and simple. I suggre those seeking a high quality trs sound and who are tired of these grains typical of Roland or Yamaha (as recognizable). I suggre those who will use it mainly for its sound and its possibilities of publishing and of inception, but do not need a workstation hyper complte (although the Triton The dj is not bad in the genre). Last but not least, I suggre those seeking the best quality at the best price!

    Not to be missed!
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  • Anonymous

    Korg Triton Le 61Published on 11/10/04 at 02:40
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I TRITON October 6 It's all a keyboard that is leaving a more complete freedom to use rich.


    The config is contrary to the opinion of MAC-MAN, very simple and perfectly structured. There are so many possibilities that a rich menu is obligatoire.Les banks of sounds are convenient to use, as well as split or effects. I do not already have the option sampling BOSS sampler.


    The sounds are very high quality sound on some banks, less on others. Sounds "traditional" are the best quality Roland (I also have a JUNO-D). on the other hand, care for the rest! (Sounds appliances, batteries, low ground ...). There by against the effects are much better quality than…
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    I TRITON October 6 It's all a keyboard that is leaving a more complete freedom to use rich.


    The config is contrary to the opinion of MAC-MAN, very simple and perfectly structured. There are so many possibilities that a rich menu is obligatoire.Les banks of sounds are convenient to use, as well as split or effects. I do not already have the option sampling BOSS sampler.


    The sounds are very high quality sound on some banks, less on others. Sounds "traditional" are the best quality Roland (I also have a JUNO-D). on the other hand, care for the rest! (Sounds appliances, batteries, low ground ...). There by against the effects are much better quality than with a wide variety ROLAND. In short this keyboard is rather specific to certain styles of music but married, with perfection, with the sounds ROLAND. (For the game has two keyboards complementarity is exceptional ...)


    Very good keyboard, cheaper (for the same product line) that ROLAND. But make sure the sonnorités appropriate for your style of play ..
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  • rorerore

    Korg Triton Le 61Published on 01/08/05 at 01:03
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    - Keyboard 5 octaves mdiocre quality (but you can still play, even, do not EXAGRES)

    - In terms of connectivity and controllers, it is not really for the price lss

    - There are sounds in all styles, but it's true that the machine presets give the impression of a synth for techno. No no, it is gnraliste ...

    - Regarding the aspect gnral there plastic and mtal, it is quite nice, compact and lightweight (less than 8kg)


    It is easy enough to do basic manipulations. on the other hand ds you want edit one must enter the menus and submenus ... It plutt pretty much done once you took the time to understand. (For example to put a rverb: it goes on the sound, you press men…
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    - Keyboard 5 octaves mdiocre quality (but you can still play, even, do not EXAGRES)

    - In terms of connectivity and controllers, it is not really for the price lss

    - There are sounds in all styles, but it's true that the machine presets give the impression of a synth for techno. No no, it is gnraliste ...

    - Regarding the aspect gnral there plastic and mtal, it is quite nice, compact and lightweight (less than 8kg)


    It is easy enough to do basic manipulations. on the other hand ds you want edit one must enter the menus and submenus ... It plutt pretty much done once you took the time to understand. (For example to put a rverb: it goes on the sound, you press menu you select the submenu of the desired effect, and we chose an effect 52 57, then for each effects can be its own well rglages sr ...)

    The manual is not very clear but until I have always found the rponse my questions in so yes it is quite sufficient and complete.


    The sounds are good trs (except piano which apparently does Designed with the keyboard keys).

    It's true: a numrique rings, filters, blah ... gnraliste but for a keyboard, I expected no more. It is conceivable sounds trs Varis (the core samples are many and varied).


    It'll be a year since I have it. I use little squenceur (just to save ides). Aside from the keyboard-that is the weak point, I'm glad trs. The ratio quality-price is unbeatable. And it is compact and lightweight, for RPET 'is the best!
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