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Apex Electronics 435
ericsoho ericsoho
Published on 04/12/07 at 12:35
Value For Money : Excellent
Microphone to record sound! (You know that microphones do something else apart from the microwave ...) It behaves better with audible sounds, when it records silence is not painful .... Seriously it is geared for voice, string instruments such guitar, violin, drying room ... it is more comfortable in the media here.
Electret technology, large diaphragm, cardioid, low-pass filter with switch in the body of the microphone (not super convenient to use but good for the price ... 9 because of this detail)


Used for several days so intense push to its limits.
Ben it ensures the guy with a good amp, not too pushed, it's terrible. It is extremely sensitive to the point where I expect to be home alone for decision sounds if I save the life of my family (wife and two children)! Properly adjusted and positioned according to the source to be recorded it is surprisingly accurate and faithful with a grain of the voices really nice. A few catches with a classical guitar and a folk stuck me bluntly, no breath and clarity, a transparency that definitely helped me to rejoice in the few (about 60 euros) pledged for such rendering. In addition to the suspension provided is very useful if it is the diameter of the fastening thread is not very standardized (an adapter for most microphone stands).
With experience and the same budget, so I do it again this election, with more money, well it's not clear me to go over because I really like the sound it makes and it is essential.