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Epiphone Les Paul 100
Epiphone Les Paul 100

LP-Shaped Guitar from Epiphone belonging to the Les Paul series

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MGR/Austin MGR/Austin

« Epiphone Les Paul 100 »

Published on 01/27/04 at 15:00
I was looking around at musiciansfriend.com and checking out several different guitars, reading reviews, and weighing all of the different corrners of guitar buying. My intention was to get an axe to play jazz on and even some rock-oriented things. I saw it once as a referb item but didnt' know enough about it to make a purchase then. Since then, I've been able to get out and try the Paul.

Mabey it's partly because I'm a bit of a newbie to the guitar world, but I just love this guitar. It's capabilities are limitless. The humbuckers on this baby are kickin. They can do the soft dark tones of jazz and then some, and also to go the wailing shriekes of rock n' roll. The tuners are so easy to move. After a day, sure, the guitar may need some tuning, but it can stay tuned for a many sessions of playing.

I'm not realy sure that I can say that there is anything to not like about this guitar. Other than it's somewhat-possibly-mabey-on-the-heavy-side body, it's magnificent. It probably has more to do with my newness to guitar, but it's somewhat confusing to try and put the plug into the socket when the axe is on me. I might also add that it would be quite important to get either a locking strap or a terribly hard leather strap to keep the guitar on. I have a tendency of bringing up the neck to my ear to hear a pitch directly from the string and have the strap fall through and drop the guitar. Thankfully I can catch it.

This seems to have some nice build to it. All except for the gulty fact that it's made in China, it's a fine guitar.

I'd say that this guitar is wonderful for beginner guitarests or even intermediate guitarists. Its tone is lovely and versatile and it feels wonderful in my hands. So in other words, BUY THIS GUITAR!

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com