Epiphone Les Paul Black Beauty - "Epiphone Black Beauty"
I got this at peterborough music and paid 499GBP for it. Bargain. I'd tried several guitars and this was just the best. hmmmm, well its gorgeous! Black with all gold hardware! the 3 humbuckers are a…
Epiphone Les Paul Custom [1989-2012] - "Epiphone Les Paul Custom"
I bought my Epiphone from John Reynolds music, adelaide australia and I paid $1050 $AUS. Everything, I can't say that I have every had a major problem with it. The guitar is made completly of mahogo…
Epiphone Les Paul '56 Goldtop - "Gibson Les Paul"
i have got it yet but look to purchase one soon the look of it and the sound it's a little heavy well the ones i've tried out have all been sturdy nice and good quality really nice guitar This r…
Epiphone Les Paul '56 Goldtop - "Gibson Les Paul"
I am sure glad that I bought this spectacular, dazzling guitar. The retail price seemed a tee bit high but when I saved up my money and finally bought one I was flabbergasted. It was superb. This Gib…
Epiphone Les Paul Custom [1989-2012] - "Epiphone Les Paul Custom"
I had been thinking about purchasing a new guitar for a while because my squire strat was getting to feel to much like a beginners guitar and though it was fun to play it didnt have any wow factor ab…
Epiphone Les Paul Studio - "Gibson Les Paul Studio"
I bought this guitar (Wine red with gold hardware) for £730 from JG Windows in Newcastle (including case and whole bunch of polish, cables etc.) First of all looks: I didn't really think I would eve…
Epiphone Les Paul '56 Goldtop - "Epiphone Les Paul"
I buyed this '69 Epiphone Les Paul with whammy bar from a friend, and it came along with a flightcase for a total of 500$. I alwyas wanted a Les Paul but wasn't sure of which one to buy, so here i go…
Epiphone Les Paul Standard Plus Top - "Epiphone Les Paul Standard Plus"
Bought in a music store in Québec. Went to check and found the beautiful one. Paid 530$ canadian used with a case, a new set of strings and a pro setup. I was looking as Les Paul for a good versatile…
Epiphone Les Paul Special II - "Epiphone Special II"
Christmas was coming around and my good friend(almost like a big brother) had gotten me interested in guitars by letting me borrow one of his and learning on that. the main thing i learned was that i…
Epiphone Les Paul Junior Pitch Black - "Epiphone Les Paul Junior"
Simply put, I got because of the price. I bought it online from Musician's Friend for 99$ I like the classic Les Paul shape. It actually sounds pretty good through my Fender amp. The cheap tuning h…
Epiphone Les Paul Special II - "Epiphone Les Paul Special II"
I purchased this guitar off of musiciansfriend.com for $240 because I wanted to learn the guitar and I figured that since everyone and their mother has a Stratocaster, I'd try something different. I…
Epiphone Les Paul Classic [1995-2005] - "Gibson Les Paul Classic"
Bought new at Ramus musik in Lulea, Sweden. Used to be 23 000 SEK but because of the inflation in the US, the price was lowered to 14 495 SEK. And THAT is the definition of a bargain! You could say i…
Epiphone Les Paul Custom [1989-2012] - "Epiphone Les Paul Custom"
After searching for a new guitar for several months, I finally decided to go out to Guitar Center and pick up an Epiphone Les Paul Custom (mine is black with gold hardware). When in Guitar Center, I …
Epiphone Les Paul 100 - "Epiphone Les Paul 100"
i bought this guitar because it sounded decent and i wanted an electric guitar i paid 350$ at a long and mcquade store. good sound ,nice fretboard ,solid build(ive hit the headstock on ALOT of thing…
Epiphone Les Paul Standard Plus Top - "Epiphone Les Paul Standard Plus"
I bought it from a local store for 580 euro! This guitar is great!The body is perfect!A real les paul for sure! what? As I said before this guitar is great!The construction is awesome! I love les…