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[NAMM] Roland Aira Modular Customizer

Owners of the Roland Aira effect modules can download now the free Aira Modular Customizer app and reprogram their devices.

The Roland Aira Modular Customizer app is available for iOS, Android, Mac and Windows. The utility includes 15 virtual sub-modules that can be used to customize the internal signal path of the Aira Torcido, Bitrazer, Demora and Scooper modular effects.

You can choose between LFO, ADSR, Noise, Sample & Hold, Ring Modulation, 6 and 12 dB filters, Tone, Amp, Mixer, Stereo Mixer, Curve Conv, Gate Divider, Trig to CV Delay Time and MIDI Clock to Gate sub-modules.

To program your Aira modular effect, plug the headphone output on your smartphone or tablet to the Remote In on the Aira module (or via USB on Mac and PC), customization is done in real time.

The utility also allows for storing and recalling patches in real time, you can even share them with other users.

Visit www.rolandus.com to download the free Aira Modular Customizer app for your device.


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