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Line 6 Spider 112
Line 6 Spider 112
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« Line 6 Spider 112 »

Published on 05/02/02 at 15:00
I was flipping through the Musician's Friend catalog, searching for my first true amp. I was on a budget, and originally going for a 30 watt Marshall MG-30. However, when my friend found a Line 6 Spider 50 w/ all those effects and stuff for only $100USD more than the Marshall (the MG series aren't true Marshalls anyway) I was impressed when I tried the Line 6 POD's (though not anymore), so I jumped on it.

The effects, the sound, the volume, the ease, the look, the light-weight, the size (big enough for a gig, small enough that I can keep it in my room), the variety of amp models and sounds, the extreme distortion & reverb, the sensitive controls (which move very easily and smoothly), the special floorboard (which I don't yet own).

Nothing! This amp is SWEET! If you play a different types of music, want a variety of sounds, or want to replicate classic and modern boutique amps, this is for you. Whether you are a pro or someone like me who was looking for a "real" amp, this is it! I wouldn't trade it for anything, except maybe a Line 6 Vetta combo, AxSys, or Flextone. Perhaps maybe a Fender Cyber-twin or cyber-deluxe, or even just a bigger version of the Spider 112 (i.e. Spider 210 or 212). Other than that, I am in NO WAY GIVING UP, TRADING, SELLING, RENTING, OR LOANING THIS AMP! I am very overprotective and don't let my friends start it up by themselves. I keep it unplugged and in the box it came in when it's not being used. If you buy this amp, you'd understand why!

Very tight construction, supreme quality.

I fuckin' love this thing! I play a shitty Squier into it, but you could hardly tell when listening to it through this amp!

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com