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MOTU 2408 Mk3
MOTU 2408 Mk3

PCI/ISA + Rack Soundcard from MOTU belonging to the 2408 series

joulien3 joulien3
Published on 12/22/03 at 09:37
Value For Money : Correct
Need a sound card with good converters ....
registration at least 10 simultaneous tracks
msi motherboard (yes) amd 2000 + / 512 ram / disk ata 133 7200 60 tm go
I use the motu with a 02R ... but I still adat cards ... it's going to come ...


Yes, more or less in 2000 it took me about 15 minutes but I have trouble when ....
nan, finally I have SoundForge plays hard ....
General config pretty simple ....
English manual ....


Relatively stable drivers ...
updated frequently
I use cubase sx1.03 and is stable
I have zero latency.
I recorded a battery with 10 microphones, a gtr witness, witness bass, vocals witness, four independent network headphones with the system console and CueMix cubase motu had two ....( j)
Read the track about 35 jai / morceaux...voire more


I use it for 9 months
I had a little trouble in capturing actually using the CueMix console but now that this proves great for networks including headphones ... jai few small buz when I do nothing at all and when I read c nikel but apparently I'm the only ... my config is stable .... no particular problems ....
I had no other real sound card in any case before the other has less than 2500 balls to toy c ... really.
c a bit expensive but well worth the ... c reliable, sturdy, super converters (for the price) wordclock! in bnc! kil damage is not of AES / EBU ... but good
sound card platform perfect for me to try the ...