TopicPosted on 04/03/2007 at 09:54:33Recording help using Guitar Rig 2
Hey there, I'm a newb to this site and I'm needing your help. I have NI guitar rig 2 on a macbook pro. I'm using the rig kontrol for the sound card input and monitors. I am not getting any sound out of the monitors. In the sound setup on the mac, I have selected rig kontrol as the output and did the same in guitar rig. NO SOUND. Been getting really frustrated at this. I'm getting sound out of the monitors when I boot up itunes just not guitar rig. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
New AFfiliate
Member 17 years ago
2Posted on 04/03/2007 at 10:26:39
guitar rig 2 is a really messed up program and it has like six different things that turn sound up or down mute or blasting your ears off....i stopped using it for 2 reasons. it took up too much space on my pc and i didnt like all fo the selection of choices i had. yes guitar rig is kinda cool but theres just too much stuff going on at once for me. what i woud say is tto select all of the sounds you would like your guitar to have and then make sure everything is at the right level. up near the control center there are like six different things (and im only going by memory here) but i think theres like an IN and Out selection if its notset to the right thing you wont get any sound. another thing that i may suuggest would be just plugging your guitar in dry (clean) and recording with a simple recording thing then importing that to guitar rig which makes things a lot simpler and there u can mess with different effects...I hope i helped ya some