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Line 6 POD 2
Line 6 POD 2
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kinishao kinishao
Published on 12/22/04 at 02:41
Modlisation 32 amp, 16 amp simulations cabin and 16 effects "common".

The effects are ditables, but remains even when basic trs (EQ lo / med / hi, a type of reverb, the intensity of the effect and basta).

The outputs of the unit are Stereo, lasortie monon not prvue t, it's a shame ...


Trs easy to use, simply turn a knob or press another and they change the world!

Only small BMOL, the manual is in English ...


I find the effects trs satisfactory: the sounds are clear and well rendered trs distorted sounds have a certain warmth that I find apprciable trs.

I play mostly in clean sounds and I found the kind of sound I was looking for: trssche prcise and trs.

on the other hand, it is unfortunate that there is only one type of reverb, in addition to an average quality ... but it was inevitable that somewhere scratching Line 6 for the price!

Certainly it is a matter of taste, but I find that for 200 euros, we have a simulator that ampicillin is really good quality trs rpport by such small Digitech blowing as an engine plane ...


I use it for a week and I stay glued on for 3 hours the first 2 days, so this thing is!

I am especially sduit by the sound of this machine and its simplicity of use: no need to read the user manual (fortunately because it is in English ...) to get good rsultats trs .

I use it on scne (the very first time a few days ago, I bought it to actually ...) and I like people who come see my band live are very s happy with the sound of this magic bean!

I tried before buying the last big multi-effects VOX and I did not t Packing: rgler too complicated, even if the quality of his silent l. ..

I wanted something that works rsultats quickly (like any good Socit victim of consumer self-respecting ...) and I am fully saisfait of my choice!