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Line 6 POD 2
Line 6 POD 2
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MGR/Gregg Moore MGR/Gregg Moore

« Line 6 POD V2 »

Published on 10/29/03 at 15:00
Got it from MusiciansFriend for $249. I have been doing home recording for several years. Experimented with lineOut from amp, lineOut from processor, mic-ing cabinet (which was the best at the time, but too many variables and too much head room needed)...listened to samples of the POD...
I was sold.

The best recording device for the guitar. The effects are great, but the amp modeling is the bomb! I am exclusively recording all guitar parts with the POD. I would have gone with the PODxt, but finances were and issue, and I really like the basic features and settings of the V2-the xt has too many features for me right now, but is still a great unit in itself.

That I didn't invest stock in the company years ago. What's not to like?

Durable, dependable, compact, easy to learn, easy to use, plug and play...what more can I say?

I'd buy another and another and...all my recording friends/musicians are getting POD's now after hearing my recordings. Thanks Line6 for greatest unit ever...I even bought a Bass POD too!!!!

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com