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[NAMM] Hammond introduces the Leslie G Pedal

Hammond is at Summer NAMM 2014 where they introduces several new products, including the G version of its Leslie pedal for guitar.

The Hammond Leslie G Pedal is an improved, more compact and affordable version of the recently released Leslie Pedal ; it is designed for guitar players but not only.

You can, with this new pedal, simulate the Leslie 122, 147 and 18v (aka Vibratone) rotary speakers and adjust simultaneously the ramping time of both rotors. Hammond adds that the distance of the virtual microphone, upper and lower level mix as well as the overdrive are optimized for each speaker simulation.

The Leslie G Pedal also features dry/wet mix controls, a Red Line that adjusts the global speed of the virtual rotors, two footswitches (one for true bypass and the other for the speed of the Leslie) and you can save a user preset.

The pedal includes 1/4” TRS input and right/left 1.4” outputs.

The Leslie G Pedal will be available in August for the price of $299. The pedal is manufactured in the USA.

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