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Neumann KM 86i
Neumann KM 86i
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Bernard Ancèze Bernard Ancèze
Published on 01/26/09 at 06:52
Neumann is the great class. Quite similar to the KM84, a serious easiest, and the medium rather acute KM83 (omni). What we can do with these 2 mics + the lead vocal. A lower level of output, but an idea of ​​taking its most natural.


This micro silent in large parks socity production in the years 70/80, with the U87, KM84, CMT Schoeps, Sennheiser MKH, etc. ... Used in radio and studio post-production or recording studios.

Despite the shape, not a handheld microphone. It is a pure product for the studio. Not too fragile, pretty easy.

It is a tool of class. It is used as a U89 (more modern) but is less empty-cons on bass amp and pickup and prettier on the strings and voices. Say that the U89 is baritone and km86 is tnor. It may be closer to the TLM170. I would love to spend a few hours with these 2 mics to see ...

In omni: Stereo AB for string ensembles, choirs, and close to the lead vocals, acoustic guitar, and strings GENERALLY.

In cardio: Stro ORTF, I find easier than the KM84. I have some difficulties in both the bass with the 84 that I did not with 86. I think it's because of the position of the cell from the body of the micro more "logic" on the 86. May be.

8-L is a bit spcial must have 3 km86 on hand. Example where it is pretty unbeatable: A grand piano, 2 km86 above the heart strings and 1 km86 tail piano horizontal position 8. A type of MS, what. You can try with what you want else, except possibly very beautiful lamps at Neumann. You can do with a U87 and 89 is very good, but with KM86 ...!!! Splendid.