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Marshall MG100DFX
Marshall MG100DFX
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Peace gunman Peace gunman
Published on 08/04/05 at 07:19
Any transistor amp with a tube emulation. The power is 100W and has a connection asser completed entries and CD input, an output line out (that doubles as a headphone jack), a footswitch input for the grafted and output for the effects loop.
Level setting is very clear, setting low / medium / high on the clean channel and overdrive, gain adjustment on both also drive over volume, master volume contour overdrive selection effect (effect on the same four knob not top) volume of the volume effect of the effects loop.


No problem config is simple and fast, feeling a little one always manages to find its appropriate, the manual config is not terrible for my taste but it has the merit of the usefulness of déailler each element


With my poor GSA60 remains versatile I can still go out to the sounds of Led Zeppelin and Metallica peude. tred for the hot is not bad either, so asser versatility. The clean channel can be a comuter to do the detached "crunch" attetion, I find the sound issued and asser violent and terrible ... but it is a notice


I es for 2 me and nothing to complain, as a power and a marshall for less than € 400 no problem for the beginner in électrqieu I am.