935 threads found
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- article reactions[Getting started] Demystifying Synth Programming - Part 1Rep 0Views 1099gearyelton08/28/2015 08:51
by gearyeltonRep 2Views 1039dominhsanh8308/30/2015 20:52
by dominhsanh83Rep 2Views 950Edward Ketsado Nelson09/07/2015 07:36
by Mike LevineRep 2Views 774oneflightup09/13/2015 05:53
by oneflightupRep 8Views 1674d.bakes09/13/2015 05:58
by oneflightupRep 4Views 1253twistedmister09/13/2015 09:22
by angeliearticle reactions[Getting started] Metering and Correction SoftwareRep 0Views 739sleepless09/30/2015 11:33
by sleeplessRep 0Views 712Jerial M10/10/2015 20:55
by Jerial Marticle reactionsJane Getter Burns it UpRep 0Views 693Mike Levine10/23/2015 16:06
by Mike LevineRep 3Views 523jazzvb11/14/2015 23:26
by mudgelarticle reactionsFixing It in the MixRep 0Views 642Mike Levine11/20/2015 13:54
by Mike Levinearticle reactionsIndy Mix ManRep 0Views 701Mike Levine12/18/2015 15:11
by Mike LevineRep 8Views 2196cool cat01/04/2016 05:22
by Mike LevineRep 0Views 692guitartoys01/16/2016 19:46
by guitartoysarticle reactions[Getting started] A Handy Rule for Choosing Reverb PresetsRep 0Views 882Nantho Valentine01/18/2016 10:39
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