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Fender Tom Delonge Stratocaster
Fender Tom Delonge Stratocaster
MGR/Anonymous MGR/Anonymous

« Fender Tom DeLonge Stratocaster »

Published on 04/17/03 at 15:00
I didn't buy it....i played it for a while.
(the prive tag was $790.00 at my local music store)

i liked the seymour duncan humbucker.

THE NECK! It's like trying to play a tree! i could barely fit my fingers around it. the action was kinda high. And only one knob? what the hell? i'd like a tone knob please....Tom, next time you design a guitar how about you put some THOUGHT into it.

It felt solid...kinda heavy. I guess the quality was OK.

I dont know about this one....i would'nt gor for it...you could get a wayy better Ibanez for cheaper, or a fender telecaster.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com