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< All Fender Tom Delonge Stratocaster reviews
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Fender Tom Delonge Stratocaster
Fender Tom Delonge Stratocaster
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MGR/Blake Ferguson MGR/Blake Ferguson

« Fender Tom Delonge »

Published on 04/20/04 at 15:00
I havent bought the product yet, but i am going too.

everything about the guitar is awsome, whoever gave it a one and a bad rating seriouly should cut down on crack, that guy is a fag, the guitar is awesome, the distortion is unbelievably cool, and the model is a radical shape. blink 182 is the best band, and any queer that disrespects Tom should go to hell.

nothing, plain and simple

the pickups are good, and the volume and tone knobs work well.

the tom delonge guitar is awsome, a great choice for guitarists of all skill, levels, and made by the coolest guy in the world. F-u whoever gave it a "one".

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com