Marshall Class 5 - "Marshall Class 5"
This is the Class 5 Valve guitar combo amp put out by Marshall. First thing you will notice is the British racing green tolex. It is a vintage styled amp, yet I don't think it is a reissue of a…
Marshall DSL201 - "Marshall JCM 2000 DSL 201"
I ordered this in Jan of 97 These were not out yet it arrived at the store in August on my birthday of all days. I paid $509.00 I wanted a small amp just big enough to gig with. I didnt like the…
Marshall DSL401 - "Marshall JCM-2000 401 DSL"
Been playing in a punk band for quite some time now paid $1600 in adelaide, south australia i love the sound it makes, other reviews of this unit note how dirty the OD2 channel is and thats why i l…
Marshall DSL401 - "Marshall JCM 2000 DSL 401"
I got this off for £388 because I wanted some good built in distortion in my amp... I like the sturdyness of this and the way you can have loads of different distortions and clean tones. …
Marshall DSL401 - "Marshall Marshall DSL 401 Combo & Victoria Deluxe"
Victoria Deluxe - Ebay - $900 Classic tone Vintage quality Classic tone in a small package. This review was originally published on
Marshall DSL401 - "Marshall DSL-401"
Purchased in 1999 for $550 new in a local shop. This was my first full tube amp. This amp is loud and has the signature Marshall sound however is ridden with quality flaws. See below for details. Th…
Marshall DSL401 - "Marshall JCM 2000 DSL 401 Valve Combo"
I bought this unit in Canberra, Australia with my own hard-earned cash. I bought it because when tested it possessed the right tones and power that I needed. The cost was AU$1,750. Great when workin…
Marshall DSL401 - "Marshall DSL2000 401"
I purchased this amp in December 2000 from Reno's music for $600 USD. I had an old Kustom solid state 130W head and 412 cabinet, but it was getting on in years and started to hum (probably a large c…
Marshall JTM310 [1995-1997] - "Marshall JTM30 Combo"
I bought this amp second hand off a friend for £150 (Pounds Sterling). This amp is now discontinued but I figured its worth reviewing as on the second hand market these amps is pretty popular. I use …
Marshall JTM310 [1995-1997] - "Marshall JTM30"
I picked this up for a tidy £275 when looking for an amp that was loud enough to gig with and is valve driven. I got it second hand and it looked pretty old but that does not mean it was it bad condi…
Marshall JTM615 [1995-1997] - "Marshall JTM-60"
I am an Amp service tech Pretty nice thick distorted tone for a single 12. The amp is a dual channel with Passive EQ for each ch. The tone is due in large part to the sweet Celestion G12 Heritage sp…
Marshall 4102 JCM900 Dual Reverb [1990-1999] - "Marshall JCM 900 Hi Gain Dual Reverb 100W Combo"
Purchased from Mothers Music,Edmonton Alberta,Canada.Bought this unit brand new ,It had been sitting around the store a few years.I stole it for $1325 Canadian (not a scratch on it-like it just came …
Marshall DSL201 - "Marshall JCM2000 DSL201"
I was looking for a small tube amp with 2 channels. I bought it in summer 2002 at Klangfarbe, Vienna (Austria). It is a 2001 show floor model and cost EUR 720,- I like the perfect Marshall tube soun…
Marshall DSL401 - "Marshall JCM 2000 DSL 401 Dual Super Lead Combo"
I paid roughly 800 dollars for it and beleive me it is not worth the money. The clean channel is allright, not the best one I've heard but it's rather cool sounding for practicing at home. Howe…