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Rivera Clubster 25
Rivera Clubster 25
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Gojira13 est Chino moreno Gojira13 est Chino moreno

«  disappointing! »

Published on 09/05/10 at 06:09
Combo lampes.2 any 12AX7 and 2 6V6 GT.
2 independent channels each with a pull-switch.Pas middle of the channel outputs .2 clair.Boucle effects HP.Sortie ligne.Réverbe, présence.Entrée footswitch.HP 10 'Rivera Vintage Gold manufactured by Eminence.Poids 13, 6 Kg
Comes with footswitch channel / reverb and cord independent of approximately 7 m


the configural manual is correct, only the configuration is not simple, instead of making several knobs, Rivera chose to save space and put a knob on 2 different functions: gain and volume for example, going from one to another by push-pull, so it's almost inréglable, I spent days before getting a good sound, I tell you not to repeat the horror when you have sweaty fingers, unable to pull the volume pot in push-pull. We hardly get it sound good, you have to play with these push-pull systems very inconvenient


I play a Gibson Les Paul Custom, 1991, a Gibson Les Paul Classic and a PRS McCarty. This amp has a vintage sound, perfect for blues, rock, etc..
we obteins a clear lens and bright, the fender. This is a good clear sound, better than what we can get with a Marshall JCM900, less dry, but lacks depth anyway. With my Fender Super Champ XD I have a clear sound much deeper and richer, so it costs 3 times less! Regarding distortion, I was very disappointed, nothing to do with Marshall's very aggressive and loud, it lacks fullness, not creamy enough for me. By repeating everyone said "how horrible this sound! Your Super Champ XD sounded 100 times better" Also the knobs are not at all progressive, moving from channel distortion sound clear sound very aggressive inaudible. The reverb is very bof bof I prefer the reverb time 100 miles from my Super Champ XD.


I use it for 4 months, I had tons of amps (Marshall JCM 900, Marshall JCM 2000, Vox AD60VT, Fender Hot Rod Deluxe, Fender Princeton Recording, Roland Jazz Chorus ...) and wanted an amp with a crystal clear sound to the Fender, and sound distortion at Marshall. I had heard of it, I bought it on the net used at 650 euros. At this price it's a big scam, it does not sound at all appointments. Finally I found my solution: I use the Fender Super Champ XD and its effect on his clear and sound distortion of my Marshall JCM 900 and 2000 with an AB box and I sound 100 times better than rivera resold with this soon. The value for money is very average