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Vox AC15CC1
Vox AC15CC1

Tube Combo Guitar Amp from Vox belonging to the Custom Classic series

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willytarno willytarno
Published on 02/27/09 at 14:38
Everything t said ...
But again, I take a while prciser a 15W lamp is standard! In flat, j'me is yell at all times by the neighbors, it's pretty boring xD

There's only one jack, no effects loop or line out / headphone jack, playing with the gain can be a very nice crunch


The configuration of the amp is very simple, you plug it and it plays a rgal. From the first notes it was the sound crmeux, hot lights, a little flashy as a good old Start ', it's been two months that I have, and every day, I took more and more fun play on!
The manual, I guess I have not read it xD


I play a lot of blues, rock (srv, john mayer, radiohead, pink floyd ...) and it really happens has to have the sound you want. I use a scraper with Weston, who has a little over 20 years now, and a blues driver boss in two of the sound is very similar to SRV, just now I really bluff t I found a great config, I am hallucinating when j'me is a Texas Flood: D
As I said above, the amplifier brings out the Personal guitar, unlike my Marshall Valvestate 40w when j'branchais strat good 'or when a dung alba bought on ebay for about fifty euros, it sounded like ...

Even giving the guitar j'prend fun, so I'm fallen in love with this sound, light and very flashy, just great and yet I never jou a blue alnico

The included reverb is really good even though it may Adjustable: just turn the reverb knob a little and is ultra dja Submitted j'trouve. The trmolo is also very very nice

Noise level I would put much more than 10/10 so I redcouvert guitar through this amp!


IDAL is the amp, it is versatile (for the distortion type queen ca going really well for clear sound with a boost type TS9 / ca bd2 trooop going well too) it has a real rgal every time you turn it on. I pay 440 on a site nine English (dv247.fr) just before Christmas (and OH MY GOD IT IS A 550 on the same site today T_T I really made a good deal T_T)

I test a peavey classic 30, fender hot road and frankly it's the one that I fell in love, I would do without the choice hsiter