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< All Mesa Boogie Single Rectifier Solo Head reviews
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Mesa Boogie Single Rectifier Solo Head
Mesa Boogie Single Rectifier Solo Head
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Published on 02/14/06 at 22:46
All-tube amp (2 power tube preamp 4 lights). The head is 50w in class A / B connectors envoie.Pour so it is the instrument input jack ts at the back of it speaker jack, footswitch in the midi.La head has two independent channels clean and distortion.


Using super simple, sound and kills his mother is not to say! Now it takes time to find his sound, because the pots interact with each eux.Tu can quickly get mashed like having a suddenly the sound ultime.Il takes time to tame it. ok Manuel


Amp lethal to the metal I would say even more: indispensable, c frankly incomparable with any other brand ... I personally think it's the sound that suits me, after the battle marshall / mesa / engl / randall / etc ... is a story of goût.Je plays with a custom esp m2 deluxe and it fits perfectly with his general bête.Le is bold, very big with great deep bass and more I 4 mesa 12 * c then the killing .... nikel sounds clear, not easy to resolve at the beginning ...
The distortion in three raw position in modern and vintage ... modern: as we say it sends the woods!! The vintage crunch much more c ... FAT raw between the two ... the clean is mortal but not as slamming a twin ... but you feel the same when big lamp.


I've had three months now I have to play with for a long time but enough to realize that we must take time to get his son.Ce is boring and many times is that pots are super sensitive ... like the master you move a pile of **** c and you get high ears ... For the same EQ changes everything and you let out a low pile ti .. . equalizer of the reserve power is huge ... also ... impressive!
I played on peavey, super head, bandit, Marshall JCM 800 900 2000, Hughes and Kettner, and engl ... frankly incomparable c engl ... but I like also the same, but still less ENORRRMMME c good.
by value for money against the abused c € 2000 ^ t you just frankly ... you open your veins ... let alone corps.Maintenant I think it's just a must and as all you MUST paye.La finish is impeccable, comes with protective case and everything ...
I referrer this choice a thousand times frankly do not hesitate one second big metal fans who types, you love the big palm mutting low-medium, medium-edged but not a villain, you love incissif acute and brilliant and non-aggressive and make you whistle ears ... so this amp is for YOU! it cost an eye but frankly, CA TUE!
ps: sorry for mistakes ....