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M-Audio Fast Track Ultra
M-Audio Fast Track Ultra

USB audio interface from M-Audio belonging to the Fast Track series

ekaristy ekaristy
Published on 09/21/08 at 01:15
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The installation is done without problem. the galre is that when I turn on the fast track and is not connected to my pc, inputs and outputs do not work (offline). So I have to branch bte on the pc for it to dbloque.


Yeah the drivers are stable except for a small window "TaskBar icon" that starts me stopping neurons.


I use it for 6 months with FL Studio and I can say that it's really the cot buffer galre. With the same number of VST on my final mix the Fast Track Ultra is no longer the road against a simple sound card Intgr my laptop even though when I go up to the buffer (4096) size nothing was rowing a rowing gold card Intgr sounds with the same number of buffer size over a peak not rowing at all.