Epiphone Jeff Waters “Annihilation-V"
NewsEpiphone says any metal machine is only as good as its pickups, and the Jeff Waters “Annihilation-V” carries a pair that are primed for this artist’s superlative tastes in tone.
Fernandes Vortex Deluxe Limited
NewsNew Red and Snow White Bevels have been added to the stock Vortex Deluxe, now you can have an accent to this body shape’s contour with the same top quality and features, Fernandes says.
[Musikmesse] DBZ Guitars Venom Snake Skin
NewsMusikmesseDean Zelinsky created a textured Snake Skin finish using new techniques: in Frankfurt, Germany next week DBZ will reveal the new Venom Snake Skin guitar along with its entire line of guitars at Musik…
Axl Guitars Jacknife
NewsThe matte-finish Jacknife guitar has a solid alder body and comes with 2 EMG-designed Alnico P-90 pickups.
B.C. Rich Kerry King Wartribe
NewsB.C. Rich is presenting new Artist Signature models.
B.C. Rich JR. V Guitars
NewsB.C. Rich has released six new JR. V guitar models for 2010.
[NAMM] Peavey PXD Vicious Devin Townsend Signature
NewsNAMMPeavey proudly introduces the new PXD™ Vicious™ Series and the PXD Vicious Devin Townsend Signature Model, a 7-string baritone metal guitar designed to his demanding specifications.
ESP LTD Graphic Series Clockwork Zombie II
NewsUK-based artist Mister Sam has once again created hybrids of man and machine with his custom artwork on the new limited edition Clockwork Zombie Graphic Series guitars for ESP's LTD.
[Musikmesse] Fernandes Vortex Deluxe
NewsMusikmesseThis re-designed and revamped model features an alder body, finish-matching Maple Maple neck and set-thru construction with "extended access to the high registers of the 24-fret Ebony fingerboard, Ab…
KxK Guitars K.K. Downing Signature
NewsKxK Guitars has unveiled the new K.K. Downing signature guitar model.
Gibson Tribal V
NewsAvailable beginning in early March 2009, the Tribal V will be produced in a limited run of just 350 guitars, and is destined to appeal to both collectors and players alike.
New Washburn HM Import Guitars
NewsWashburn Guitars announced the release of the HM Import Guitar Series, which they describe as "stylish yet affordable".
Jackson [Pro Series] Matt Tuck Signature
NewsJackson has released a new Matt Tuck (Bullet For My Valentine) Signature model.
NewsNAMMGus G of Firewind was worked with ESP to offer enhancements to his signature models.
[NAMM] New ESP Graphic Series Models
NewsNAMMESP has released a series of new models for its Graphic Series of electric guitars.