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Toontrack EZdrummer
Toontrack EZdrummer
rogercag rogercag
Published on 03/03/08 at 04:51
Quick installation without concern for stability and simplicity (groove agent that is already months in comparison.


I read earlier (notice described below nico66) need 1 minute for loading extension kit (sample, bah it depends on the pc with my bike is 5 seconds when I change style Battery in EZdrummer. ..

therefore be a powerful bike and all rolls:

Personal I have a core 2 duo E8400 with a RME card hdsp9632 and 4 GB of ram so it runs;) (Cubase SX3 to be the "drag and drop" in EZdrummer.


I used Groove Agent for several years (1), I tested the two recently, however I find that 2 brings very little, except to be able to swap instruments every ..

but after having tasted EZdrummer recently ... I will let wahhhh groove agent, at the variety of quality beats, plus it's almost as fast to create a patern battery by hand using EZdrummer as dialing a rhythm groove agent (when it registers rhythm live in cubase (RW) with GA.

So I recommend serious personal EZdrummer!