Xhun Audio IronAxe
NewsXhun Audio recently released information, including a Technology Overview, about its upcoming product IronAxe.
Prominy V-Metal
NewsProminy has released V-Metal, a new Kontakt Player-powered guitar plug-in.
Rythmic Aura & Progressive Metal
News8DIO/Troels Folmann has announced the release of Rhythmic Aura RMX for Stylus RMX and the imminent release of Progressive Metal Guitar for Kontakt.
ReValver HPse Now Included with Shreddage
NewsImpact Soundworks has announced a partnership with Peavey Electronics to bundle a custom version of Peavey’s award-winning ReValver amp sim plugin with the Shreddage sample library.
Impact Soundworks Shreddage X
NewsImpact Soundworks released “Shreddage X: Electric Guitar Samples Reloaded”, the expansion pack to their “Shreddage” electric guitar sample library.
NI Scarbee Funk Guitarist
NewsThe Scarbee Funk Guitarist instrument is designed to give you playability and control, with the flavor of the funk.
Sugar Bytes Guitarist Updated
NewsSugar Bytes has updated Guitarist to v1.0.1.
Cinematique Instruments Bowed Guitars
NewsAs the name suggests, Bowed Guitars is a collection of acoustic guitar and acoustic bass instruments played exclusively with a bow.
Sugar Bytes Guitarist
NewsSugar Bytes has announced the release of Guitarist, which is described as "the complete software solution when authentic guitar tracks are needed".
Orange Tree Samples Evolution Electric Guitar
NewsEvolution Electric Guitar is designed to enable keyboardists to create "authentic sounding" electric guitar parts without hand editing of MIDI.
Vir2 Electri6ity Released
NewsVir2 Instruments has announced that, after more than three years of development, Electri6ity has been released.
Vir2 Electri6ity
NewsVir2 Instruments has announced Electri6ity, an "epic electric guitar" virtual instrument.
MusicLabs RealLPC (Les Paul Custom)
NewsMusicLab has released RealLPC, a new virtual guitar instrument plug-in which aims to bring the Les Paul Custom Guitar sound to your studio, virtually.
Best Service RealLPC
NewsBest Service announced the RealLPC virtual guitar instrument bringing the Les Paul Custom Guitar sound to your studio.
Prominy LPC Electric Guitar LE
NewsLPC Electric Guitar LE is a lite version of LPC Electric Clean Guitar.