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Daichi Laboratory Synth1 [Freeware]
Daichi Laboratory Synth1 [Freeware]
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Tonka Tonka

«  simple and powerful »

Published on 12/16/11 at 08:12
Must spend some time on the management of sound banks, but the versions rcentes is when even more really better than before!


trslger software, no problem ...


I use it for 7 years I think. In the era I liked the simplicity of controls that allowed me to start doing some sound design ... but I thought the sound rev limit and since I am trying in vain all vsti that I come to hand, in search of powerful and easy synth on which to spend time ...

And then a few days ago I pushed the curiosities Tlcharger version 1.12 and some banks and Tlcharger: LA slap! I had to hand all this time the ultimate synth I was looking around, combining extreme simplicity and power ^ me sound!

So he came back well into my favorites.

For against my advice is to really take the time to search the net looking for good sound banks.