Ernie Ball Volume (No reference) - nickname009's review
This is a volume pedal, one of, it not the most simplest pedal ever made for guitar. It's simply a 250k pot controlled via a string, some pulleys and a spring. This is an older 6166, and by that I me…
Way Huge Electronics WHE101 Angry Troll Boost - moosers's review
The Way Huge Electronics Angry Troll is a simple boost pedal electric guitar. The pedal is made up of analog components and has standard 1/4" connections across the board for input and output. The …
Truetone Visual Volume - moosers's review
The Visual Sound Visual Volume is an in depth volume pedal that I have tried out with electric guitar. You can definitely use it for any electric or electronic instrument, as it works the same no ma…
Fender Volume-Tone Pedal Reissue - mooseherman's review
This is a volume pedal that I have been borrowing from a friend of mine. Volume pedals tend to be pretty divisive amongst guitarists, some of whom would rather use a pedal and some who would rather u…
Ernie Ball 6166 250K Mono Volume Pedal for use with Pas… - mooseherman's review
The main problem that I have with most volume pedals is the lack of control. I know I'm probably being a huge stickler for quality. I only really bought volume pedals because I thought that they woul…
Fender Volume-Tone Pedal Reissue - moosers's review
The Fender Volume Tone is a volume pedal made for electric guitars and basses. It is quite basic in make up and is pretty much the same as most volume pedals out there. It has 1/4 inch connections …
Ernie Ball 6166 250K Mono Volume Pedal for use with Pas… - moosers's review
The Ernie Ball Volume 6166 is a pretty basic volume pedal designed for use with electric guitars and basses. There isn't too much to say about the pedal beyond that it doesn't need power and has a 1…
Morley Pro Series Volume - mooseherman's review
This is just your basic volume pedal. As far as those go, it's pretty good. It's analog, old-school and to the point. Nothing extra thrown in but that's how I like it. Nothing in the way of midi or a…
Way Huge Electronics WHE101 Angry Troll Boost - "A good big boost"
translatedWhat are the effects, types of effects available? This is a boost (+50 dB) What technology is used? (Analog, digital, tube ...) Analog. Are they edited? Via a publisher Mac / PC? No What …
Bespeco WM12 - "Ok as temporary"
translatedA volume pedal? uh Effects of violin, uh not for me, so it is down or up, actually. His race merely prevents the crescendo between "silence" and "little sound". A slow tempo, forget What's …
Morley Volume Plus - zonzonzon's review
translatedvolume pedal morley brand steel practically indestructible black. knob crmaillre not like the cry baby, there is a system that sensitive (I think) that Vitera crackle with time, but it ncessite powe…
Truetone Visual Volume - Roxinhell's review
translatedThe features were perfectly outlined above, we can not do most comprehensive volume pedal. The switch features passive / active, stereo, adjustable boost and LED display are great. When I opened the…
Boss FV-50H Volume Pedal - " Well ... but ..."
translatedThis is a volume pedal. Not very complicated. 2 IN / 2 OUT adjustment of intensity and a bypass for tuner. All Plastic = delicate, what UTILIZATION Ultra easy to use. The problem is that it …
Ernie Ball 6166 250K Mono Volume Pedal for use with Pas… - " SIMPLE AND EFFICIENT"
translatedHello, I use it for about two years. Tried anything else. This volume pedal is very good. Robust. It does its job. Bought second hand it had already changed: a small volume pot between the inpu…
Boss FV-50H Volume Pedal - " A volume pedal that makes his job"
translatedIt is therefore a volume pedal. The principle it works like a wah-wah (without bypass on the other hand), except that there is to control the volume. Therefore, raised position, it leaves his system …