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Yamaha AW4416
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Published on 06/30/05 at 15:30
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Trs simple, clear!
everything is at hand


The dynamics of the bomb
its a bit cold but normal, it's numrique!
other effects, compressors, eq trs sound good, much better than the concurrent trademarks in this same range of products


I tried Korg D1600, vs 2480 before but now I stay at Yamaha
roland is certainly the trs ergonomic and well thought out but I prfre the grain noise of yam
for me the sound is the important + (preamp, converters, effects ....)
for the rest, you get used to the machine
and this machine is excellent, with a card in + my8at for 8 mic supplmentaires to make live, you can still get 24 entries!! with compression, noise gate on each channel and that eq, delay, phase inverter, etc. ..
attention, for those who compare the AW4416 a PC, the they are wrong, because it is not at all use the same either, aw 4416 aimed especially those that make the home studio but also live should be rather a roland vs compare or even a korg and again .... the sries vs korg and also do not think to live while the 4416 is versatile aw;
Yamaha has released the trs a beautiful machine, well think, certainly more than welcome t have XLR inputs or even more simply between output and SPDIF optical, but hey dj l was enough to make