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Sennheiser e 935
Sennheiser e 935
Black jaspe Black jaspe

«  Hold the road in any situation »

Published on 12/08/12 at 09:09
I will not go into the technical characteristics it has already been done, but what interests us the strengths and weaknesses.

It remains for me now THE vocal mic ideal because it is precise, clear, put in evidence the voice in a variety of style and singer being taken and therefore kernels with different voices to achieve, it is very difficult to find a microphone that will adapt to any securities played. After having used the SM58 remains a reference but unfortunately did have time, microphones today are very good and prices very competitive, and E935 that stands out among the references.

He has a good presence in a mix and so we do not drown in the frequencies of other instruments, both on stage again, a good mix of volume anyway because it can very quickly enclancher the clip level, given the catching power of the capsule.

Knowledge of micro and still has to suggest the movement of micro push during voice or give effect because he transcribed his movements parfaitements.


You will therefore understand it, at least for me THE microwave. I pensse that there are many more recess is over, but let's face has a current price of around € 180, it is not stolen.

It will delight many singers who will cross the step that will acquire and in the list of references SM58, E845, BEYER DYNAMIC TGX 58, AKG D 3800, basically all the microphones retranscrive our voices so ...

PS: There is no rule for singing unfortunately, test, and you can make your own oppinion but if many of us appreciate what is already a good base for those still looking.