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SeriesFocusrite Scarlett 2nd Generation

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Scarlet 18i20 - Inputs with drumming mics audio sound issue

  • 2 replies
  • 2 participants
Topic Scarlet 18i20 - Inputs with drumming mics audio sound issue
I have mics connected to all 8 inputs using XLR cables.

inputs 1 thru 4 - Condenser mics : phantom power turn on
Input 5 snare drum Shure SM57
Input 6 kick drum Shure Beta-58
Input 7 snare drum Shure SM57
Input 8 kick drum Shure Beta-58

I"m only using really 4 mics between 2 drumkits: 2 condensers, 1 snare, 1 kick.

I just use the existing 4 mics to whichever kit i'm using with the cables already attached to the audio interface. For example
kit1 - inputs 1, 2, 5, 6
kit2 - inputs 3, 4, 7, 8

My problem:

Inputs 1 and 2 are picking up the mics kit as expected. But the snare and kick are not. the weird thing is I"m watching the indicator panel and see the display moving when tapping the other inputs connected to the other mics, but no audio is coming through.

Testing further, I'll disconnect the inputs 1 and 2 to make sure they are not picking up the snare and kick. Tapping the snare and kick mics and playing the kit, the snare and kick mics display indicators are moving as expected, but no difference in sound quality?

Cables have been checked out and working without issue.

This all started when i realized using the other inputs 3, 4, 7, 8 where moving on the display panel but getting no difference is sound pickup playing the kit. The condensers are very sensitive. I moved them over to inputs 3 and 4. Tapping o them pr placing the kit did not produce any noticible sound quality, just display indicator movement.

I did have the output 1-2 plugged into my mixer, with phone plugged in the mixer. I also disconnected outputs 1-2, and plugged my phones into the audio interface and have same output result.

Hope this wasn't too confusing.
Looks like no responses in a few months. Hope you got this figured out.

I'm a bit confused as to what the symptom is. Sound like you are saying that inputs 5-6 are not working, but then you say you can see the meters for those two channel working when you tap the mics. So, they are working, but no sound...I think. The sound is getting into the Scarlet from those mics, but not out to the desired destination. Correct me is that's wrong.

I don't have a Scarlet, but do have a Clarett. Hope they are similar enough so we can work through this, if still needed. I use Reaper to record.

My first though is that the output destinations for those inputs isn't routed where the need to go in the software mixer for them to be heard. I'm just learning that. It's mostly simple enough, but I haven't yet got a good handle on it, since I've only had the Clarett a few weeks (that's also why I'm new to this forum)

What's the output config of your setup?
Desired destinations of the mics?
Is this a live monitoring issue, or are tracks not recording from those mics as well?

Bottom line is yes i need to route the main out to output 7-8 which i will connect to an input of my mixer and listen from the mixer headphones. I hear my drums from the phone out on the focusrite.