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New USB not working Focusrite Scarlett 2i2

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Topic New USB not working Focusrite Scarlett 2i2
Hello.. my USB cable that connects computer to Scarlett had gotten a little faulty over the years. A friend recommended to buy a printer cable. Bought it, but Scarlett doesn't power on. Strangely, it still provides phantom power. I tried the same cable with MIDI keyboard, it works. Tried the Scarlett with a friend's USB cable, it works. So can't seem to figure out wherein the problem lies. Also saw in some other thread that cable length could be the problem. The cable i happened to buy is 5 meters (didn't even check the length while buying).

Cable i bought : Terabyte Hi-Speed USB 3.0, Model No, TB-UB-0110
Interface - Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (1st generation)
Computer - Dell
System - Windows 10
DAW - Ableton Live Lite 9