Dunlop JHOC1 Jimi Hendrix Octavio Effect - Bibliozed's review
translatedReplica of an effect used by Jimi Hendrix fuzz + octave Big box of vintage look (we do not miss the pedalboard) Extremely easy to use: in-out + 2 pots (and fuzz level) + 1 switch No light but …
DigiTech Whammy WH-4 - " Digital with a big catch."
translatedEverything has been said about the Whammy almost. It's a digital pedal and that is that there's a catch! UTILIZATION The problem of selection of different modes at the foot of the Whammy is easil…
Eventide PitchFactor - IDIOTSAINTCRAZY's review
translatedthere are different effects through significant Diatonic PitchFlex Quadravox ™ ™ ™ Octaver HarModulator Crystals ™ ™ ™ MicroPitch HarPeggiator H910 / H949 Synthonizer ™ It would be really tedious t…
Morpheus DropTune - awel's review
translatedPitchshifter / octave polyphonic; 1 Input; 1 Line Out Trim level 1; Entered a mini usb 1 Switch Effect On / Off; 1 Toggle switch; 1 Switch Down. UTILIZATION Using ultra simple, you…
Morpheus DropTune - " Very effective"
translatedPOLYPHONIC digital pitch shifter, it is important to clarify: this is the only one on the market that I know ... A USB port lets you keep the firmware update as soon as Morpheus improves, they pos…
Electro-Harmonix Octave Multiplexer Reissue - Balley Warson's review
translatedAn octave while analog is editable if you turn the knobs! An input jack and an output that is also convenient to go on the amp or pedal next! It's a big metal box of the first period EHX nano, it…
Behringer Ultra Octaver UO100 - Carlos Jon's review
translatedThis is an octave, or 1 and 2 Octave added to your sound. This is a modulation ANAGOLIQUE. So a real circuit. on the other hand, no bypass, and that's boring. UTILIZATION Simple configurat…
Electro-Harmonix Octave Multiplexer XO - "Octaver very dirty as it should, but difficult to master"
translatedOctaver analog rather low, but with a lot of harmonic HF leaving. Three pots: High filter, filter and low bleed. A switch "sub on / off". A footcswitch, bypass structure. LED operation (red).…
Behringer Ultra Shifter/Harmonist US600 - Mr.viv's review
translatedI post my review for the note back to this great pedal following the previous opinion was moderately relevant. Becaufe it is not falling on a rare product that falls directly in the roads, he must k…
Beta Aivin OC-100 Super Octave - JCD89's review
translatedIt's a pedal as boss etc. ... It is metal, very strong and durable over time. The connection is very simple input / output, power supply (Boss type - 9v) UTILIZATION Very simple product to use, i…
Electro-Harmonix POG2 - " Very good product"
translatedThis pedal is a gnrateur harmonic. It is therefore possible to add up to 2 octaves, 2 octaves LOWER multimdia and the original sound. There is between an output jack. UTILIZATION It is very eas…
Electro-Harmonix POG2 - funkyrockability's review
translatedCre octaves Polyphonic (-2, -1, +1, +2) at the same time depending on the willingness of the user. Systm analog ditable (8 banks) UTILIZATION It is a factory gas! At least at the beginner. But …
Boss OC-3 SUPER Octave - " Good octave lower"
translated3 types of effects available: - Fashion OC2 - Fashion + Distortion Octave - Fashion polyphonic OC3 Everything is analog. Standard Boss-type pedal 2 inputs, a guitar and a bass, 2 outputs (proce…
Boss OC-3 SUPER Octave - " Terrible!"
translatedIts Gros This is one of the analog format Octaver pedal whose operation is based on three distinct mode: . Polyphonic Octave mode . Drive mode with distortion . OC-2 Original Mode There came a …
Morpheus DropTune - " Not so great that it actually ..."
translatedSee previous UTILIZATION Use could not be more simple, so far so good. Two points off because when the effect is activated you can continue to go down in increments of semitones, but not install…