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Behringer V-Amp 2
Behringer V-Amp 2
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perturbateur perturbateur
Published on 12/24/03 at 12:58
Well it will be understood, this is an amp simulator similar to clebre POD did not think that any time soon .... dTRON error!
Modlisation rather Fidler for sounds in distortion / crunch. Clean sounds a bit limited ....
Everything is on a PC via ditable MIDI and a little app that fishing on the net and I speak after the rvolution because it is the!


Sounds very easy plant are properly calibrated, a small reading the manual is needed to tweak their own patches.


The effects are faithful their names.
My config Password: Lag Boss ME6 + the blues + VS100HR Marshall (in other words a small truck to move all a. ..)
My current config: Lag The Blues + + V-Amp ... c and not all! and everything is in my 206! What a joy!


I have this bug for 1 year, I've added a MIDI foot controller, behringer home to make it more easy in live. I hallucinated by downloading the models of 'sounds' on the Behringer site and all too easy by downloading the file in the blue thingy, a ring !!!!! Proof: I use my Marshall virtually no yet gave me so much happiness! And a funny little story: when I repeated, and I euhh hacks a little blue thingy, a guy came and told me 'c koi that stuff? Your sound Bertignac but spell o? I have a VOX AC30 and an SG and I never Russia to the EC! ":-)