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Marshall MG100DFX
Marshall MG100DFX
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MGR/Nathan Burcham MGR/Nathan Burcham

« Marshall MG100 DFX »

Published on 12/02/03 at 15:00
I needed a really good amp that had TUBE-AMP qualities without the hassle of replacing tubes and that ever-dreaded TUBE-AMP price tag. I went to my local Marshall dealer and found the new MG series. I tried out the whole line and was most satisfied with the MG100 DFX. i bought it immedately. I paid $500.00. An EXCELLENT deal!!!

My amp has a great FULL sound. I love it when i kick in the FDD. The overdrive channel is amazing. Also the effects are to die for!!!! I love it because the louder it gets THE MORE TONE IT HAS!!!...and it's not huge!!!

The clean channel is super but ti could be a little bit more clean. Other than that this amp rocks!!! I would recommend it to anyone!!!!

The quality is superior!!! You will not find an amp this good for this price from any other manufacturer!! I guarentee it!!! It's solid, solid, solid. I've taken it everywhere and have not had the problems I've experienced with other amps!!! And it's super easy to use!!!! Thanks Marshall!!!

I love this amp. I'm going out to buy the FULL MG100HDFX STACK next summer!!! Marshall just keeps getting better and better!!!

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com