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BBE Acoustimax
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«  Good product »

Published on 11/27/11 at 15:51
Prampli acoustic guitar.

Gain, EQ, Notch, Maximizer, output volume.
Connection: I / O jack
Tuner Output, Effects Loop, Line out to Jack.
Pad for the first post-12dB switch, switch phase.
Di symmetrical output
Pad Ground lift (remove earth)


A box with strong dj well potentiomtres, switches and connectivity of quality.
Note the 12 volt power alternative.
I use it for recording at home, as the basis bassiste.Je do not do gigs with the guitar that is.
Peripherals of good quality, very heavy and solid.

Your exact fully satisfy me.
It allows up well even to embellish the sound as needed.
Given its Features and its qualities, I think it is effective for all: Live and studio.


The EQ section is doing its job, and not specially colored.
Bass / Treble and mid semi paramtrique carve his wishes in the direction of -12 12dB (I think it is enough to fix)
Note the notch filter (bandwidth trs fine) that removes a frquence rsons excess, if necessary.
As for the Maximizer, it is effective (some would say too, but better too much than not enough, it has the Reserved). Treble quickly become the del Dranga a certain position, and the low . I think it's fine then use li, plutt that a kind of magic that is Big knob while turning back.
I had some problems of dirt on its output, but this is the quality of the electrical network is dsastreuse home.
After a few inverters, filters 50 Hz, and cables floating mass (yes, it works for me anyway), the problem is rgl.
The sound is so customizable.
I use it mainly to optimize the signal before entering my PC via a prampli.


Although we can say that sr is better (especially) for the studio, but if you go by the millions are not enough to have it all, in what is the best.
Must still return this.
For this box, the sound is very well next to the price, and this could last BCAN.
It's a risk I take with pleasure.
For one who does not have many ways, this unit is an opportunity to acqurir the reliable stuff, which sounds and brings something.
I mention this because I possde Sonic Stomp also the home with two knobs that BBE is a tough job.

I recommend it so bluntly.