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Fernando Supersonico
« Yamaha EG 303 »
Published on 01/03/20 at 01:18
Best value:
An excelent guitar for the price. I've got the Yamaha eg-303 for about 20 years ago brand new, I had tested the squier strato, tele, epiphone lesPaul special model and the Yamaha pacific at the time to compair taking in consideration of the "quality/ price" of those other guitars, and the Yamaha eg-303 was really the best option. Light but not extremely light, really strong body, dropped like 100 times and still as good as the first days, the neck is kind of indestructible, today I own a fender telecaster thinline and other strato, I've played in gibson sg and les paul and still own the Yamaha and I have to say that the EG-303 is still my favorite, is hard to compare the pickups because they could be actually better but having that in mind the Eg-303 rocks really good, I've played hard rock, blues, jazz even surf rock and the Yamaha make its way through all stiles sounding really good. Fidelity big time. I have to give it 5 stars cause after 20 years of owning several guitars I never stoped loving the sound of the Yamaha. I think it is originally a beginers guitar but in my humble opinion, with little better pickups it can easily compete with the bigones (fender or gibson).