Just for Laughs ─ Compulsive Buyers
LearningDo you feel at home browsing gear online or at the store right around the corner? Buying, selling, exchanging ─ it's all in your nature, it's almost an obsession. You know you buy too much gear when.…
Just for Laughs ─ Bands about to split
LearningSome bands last for years, and others only for months, but the reality is that all bands break up eventually. When a split is imminent, the telltale sings are everywhere. As a public service we compi…
Just for Laughs ─ Metal Bands
LearningPlaying in a metal band is something that can happen to anyone, even to the best of us. That's why you need be watchful. You know you play in a metal band, when...
A movie about music creation
Hot newsFor its 15th Anniversary, the Red Bull Academy in NYC opened its doors to Ralf Schmerberg for a film making about music and musicians.
[Audio WTF] The Jam Cable
Hot newsAudio WTFThere’s nothing more annoying that getting to a jam session and realizing that amps are missing. Fortunately, US BasS has a solution.
Ray Dolby passed away
NewsDolby Laboratory funder and creator of the famous Dolby Sound passed away yesterday in San Francisco. Ray Dolby was 80 years old.
[Audio WTF] The Lego Concert Rig
Hot newsAudio WTFMusic keeps you young and Mario Fabrio surely is a great example. Put some Lego parts into his hands and he'll take you to the show...
[Audio WTF] Listen to your Air Guitar
Hot newsAudio WTFYou have become an Air Guitar or Air Beat expert but you still wish you could hear what you air play ? Here's the solution.
[Audio WTF] Stage compressor
Hot newsAudio WTFWe can never say it enough, a compressor is essential for kick drums on stage...