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Fender Classic Player Baja Telecaster
Fender Classic Player Baja Telecaster
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BluesBiker BluesBiker
Published on 02/13/09 at 00:42
Telecaster Mexico, according to the specifications of the Fender Custom Shop.
Everything about this guitar is beautiful vintage-inspired mechanical, bridge, neck and back micros.Je not on the details, see the other view.
Mine is finished in desert sand.Pas any default, perfect violin.
A good number, obviously, since it is not the case for all.
The electron is against atypical 4 positions, plus a switch for 6 different sounds.
One downside: the shield is very thin and slightly warped cheap.Trop.
I changed to a "real" black, it's better for my taste. (15 euros)


The V-neck is thicker than today's standards, but it very quickly and we eventually find it very pleasant and comfortable, especially since it is fully covered with a satin finish very nice, perfect for speed.
Obviously, this is not a race for pyrotechnic stunts, it's a TV, eh ...
The beautiful weight weighs somewhere that reassures ..
And it sounds great already empty, every note is precise, well separated, with lots of shine and fishing.


The first three positions are consistent with what one would expect from a good TV, it sounds slamming, funky, rock and Péchu wish.
The fourth position (micro series) adds the fat necessary to tease a big fat overdrive without drooling and with nice mids.
Switch was activated two sounds "stratabound" that add further to the versatility of the ensemble.
The pots are very progressive and allow all the nuances.
Sure, the beautiful has in reserve ..
Frankly, all live in a lamp, it is a sacred cliente.On never tires of playing again and again ...
I have not met with me to hum the prolem rédhibitoires.Ceci said they are single coils, to do with ...


In short, a great TV, that sounds really authentic, with some versatility and more .. so beautiful ..
A new 700 euros, 600 into an opportunity, value for money is simply amazing.
I also have a Lite Ash, who is also a good TV, with softer sounds.
The Baja is above the level of microphones and sound, also Mex above standard, and rivals in my opinion without complex with high-end USD.
But it is better to see, touch and try not to fall on the wrong number, even pay a few dollars more!
I would buy another without hesitation, but as a blonde than done!